Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" in English language version.
The NRA had received its initiation into gun control politics decades earlier in the state of New York. The 1911 Sullivan Law required a police permit for New Yorkers to obtain a firearm. Although the hard-liners would not influence the organization for many decades, the NRA's now famous mantra—"Guns don't kill people. People kill people"—appeared at this early stage as an argument against gun control.(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
The official NRA line has always been that "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Sure. But suggesting that the people who kill people very often use guns for the purpose will win you a picture in the NRA rogues' gallery. (pg 153)(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
Guns don't kill people, criminals do. That homily, a favorite of the National Rifle Association, (pg 155)(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
a basic NRA principle—that guns, even machine guns, don't kill, people do (pg 222)(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
the NRA says in its favorite slogan: "Guns don't kill, people do." (pg 57)(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
If guns were eliminated from the scene, more knives, clubs, axes, pieces of pipe, blocks of wood, brass knuckles, or, for that matter, fists would be used. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." The classic statement of this argument may be found in Professor Marvin Wolfgang's Patterns in Criminal Homicide (1958)(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
The gun lobby assumes that people have free will and that they choose to kill. It follows from this that people who kill are different from ordinary people who would use a gun only in self-defense. The antigun lobby argues that the presence of a gun is a stimulus to use the gun. The two sides make different assumptions about the importance of determinism versus free will. One slogan might be: Guns turn people into killers. The gun control lobby's slogan, Guns don't die, people do, is less to the point but may be a better slogan because of its emotional appeal.(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
Although accurate statistics are hard to come by, and even harder to interpret, it seems indisputable that large numbers of people, not just criminals, kill, with a handgun, other people(Limited pages accessible, free registration required for complete access)
"You know, every time I have a fight with the NRA, they say guns don't people, people do. They say this is about evil...". (pg 1675) "The view espoused by the NRA and others is that guns don't kill people, people do. That may be true, but people without guns don't kill as many people as people with guns." (pg 2175)(Free to read)
In this new paradigm, the interest of global nuclear safety depends mainly on disarming "rouge" governments in problem countries; nuclear weapons possession by responsible states can be a positive force toward these ends. Problem countries bear responsibility to act. This conception is the nuclear equivalent of U.S. domestic gun freedom advocates' credo: guns don't kill people; bad people with guns kill people.(Limited pages free to read, purchase generally required for complete readability)
For example, gun control is often pushed against using the argument that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Looking at this assertion through the lens of STS, it becomes obvious that guns do in fact contain moral value and have some level of technological agency. (pg 47)(Free to read)
... out with the old saw that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." The NRA has gotten a long run out of that inane statement.(Free to read)
... the slogan, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people"-according to which logic the gun is a neutral tool while agency is attributed to the individual pulling the trigger. In contrast ...
But once we leave those extremes, which few people hold, the options are defined by a pair of coordinates along these distinct scales. (p 263)(Limited pages free to read, complete access on free registration)
23. What about the argument that "guns don't commit crimes, people do"? Of course, guns don't commit crimes, but people using guns certainly do. People using guns last year alone robbed 71,000 Americans, assaulted 55,000 Americans, and murdered 7,700 Americans. People using guns murdered John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy, along with more than 25,000 other Americans between 1963 and 1967.(Free to read)
gun zealots argue: 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' True enough, but without the glut of handguns, people would not find it so easy, so convenient or so tempting to kill other people. If there were no guns, there still would be murder because man's nature occasionally turns bad but, if there were no guns, there would not be so many murders.(Free to read)
they say guns don't kill people; people do. Well, even our adversaries fly around on airplanes a lot. Suppose I gave you the following speech tomorrow. Suppose I said, "I'm really worried about how crowded airports are, and almost everybody who goes into an airport is honest, and after all, bombs don't kill people; people do. I'm going to take the metal detectors out of the airport, and the next time a plane blows up, we'll throw the book at them."(Free to read)
Their slogan: "Guns don't kill people, people do," right? It's a personal problem. So find the wrongdoer, put him in jail, and throw the key away. This is politics, economics aside—has nothing to do with this. This is about personal wrongdoing. And therefore, don't you dare inconvenience me one bit because of something somebody else did. I shouldn't have to wait 5 days to get my handgun, because I haven't done anything wrong.(Free to read)
The lobby loves to fall back on trite mantras that unfortunately have proved all too effective in silencing any meaningful public debate heretofore: "Guns don't kill; people do."(Free to read)
We have all heard the saying, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." That may be true, but guns make it a whole heck of a lot easier. On the same day that Sandy Hook faced tragedy, 22 children in China were stabbed. Not one child was killed. If that man who stabbed these children had a gun, chances are the children would have been killed.(Free to read)
As a responsible gun owner, I am fed up with those who are blindly opposed to background checks hiding behind bumper sticker slogans like: Guns don't kill people; people kill people. Everyone knows that guns don't kill people, which is exactly why responsible gun owners and the overwhelming majority of the American people understand that it is important to run a background check to see if the person buying the gun is a danger to our community.(Free to read)
Quigley... the gun lobby seeks to stymie debate by arguing that guns don't kill people, people kill people.(Free to read)
As to the second argument, as author Dennis Henigan once put it, guns don't kill people; they just enable people to kill people.(Free to read)
Engel... I know people say guns don't kill people, people kill people; that is true. But guns in the hands of the wrong people kill people.(Free to read)
Perlmutter... The old saying is, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Well, crazy people with guns kill people(Free to read)
Levin... Yes, we have all heard the glib rhetoric of the NRA, that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." This bumper-sticker logic obscures the real truth. People with guns kill people(Free to read)
Nadler... we hear from the NRA that guns do not kill people, people kill people. But the truth is, of course, that guns do not kill people. People with guns kill people.(Free to read)
"Today, the gentleman from Illinois will move an amendment that is a new twist on the NRA mantra, "guns don't kill people . . . George Orwell does. Guns don't kill people . . . Steven Speilberg does." "Guns don't kill people . . . Verdi and Puccini do."" (pg 13138)(Free to read)
That's My Bush!, UHF (film), Family Guy, Grand Theft Auto III, Bullet to the Head, Money Talks (1997 film), NCIS (TV series), Still Smokin (film), Shoot 'Em Up (film)...(Free to read)
... the slogan, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people"-according to which logic the gun is a neutral tool while agency is attributed to the individual pulling the trigger. In contrast ...
But once we leave those extremes, which few people hold, the options are defined by a pair of coordinates along these distinct scales. (p 263)(Limited pages free to read, complete access on free registration)
Selinger believes that the instrumentalist view of thinking about technology—including guns—is wrong.(Free to read)
Rush Limbaugh(Free to read)
the argument that it is political factors, not weapons systems, that are the key to conflict resolution and threat reduction (the geopolitical equivalent of "guns don't kill people, people kill people").(Free to read)
We need to ban some rounds, tax others, keep records, scrutinize licenses to manufacture.(Free to read subject to limited trial, subscription normally required for further access)
without an obvious conclusion, it isn't an argument at all, so no conclusion about gun regulation follows. (pg 82)(Free to read)
The popular gun-advocacy bumper sticker says that "guns don't kill people, people kill people"—and it is, in fact, true.(Free to read)
The best-known statement of the NRA illustrates well their general sentiments on gun control: "Guns don't kill; people do."
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(help)... the slogan, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people"-according to which logic the gun is a neutral tool while agency is attributed to the individual pulling the trigger. In contrast ...
We cannot agree with the instrumentalist that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."(Free to read)
In 1993, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York...(Free to read)
Does the old rallying cry "Guns don't kill people. People kill people" hold up to philosophical scrutiny? [...] more of a slogan than well-formulated argument...(Free to read subject to limited trial, subscription normally required for further access)
N.R.A. officials also cite a study made by University of Pennsylvania Sociologist Marvin E. Wolfgang of 588 criminal homicides committed in Philadelphia over a four- year period. He concluded that, given "sufficient. motivation or provocation," it makes no difference whether a gun is handy—if not, the offender "would use a knife to stab or fists to beat his victim to death." But Wolfgang has since modified that view.(Free to read)
Up to a point, the bumper stick-ers are right. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. But the slogans stop short of the obvious question. Without easy access to guns of all kinds, could Americans go on killing one another at anything like the present rate?(Free to read)
Addressing the mental health issue, he said, "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun" — a statement that recalls the NRA's decades-old talking point that "Guns don't kill people. People do."(Free to read)
His T-shirt had the logo, "Guns don't kill people, I do,"(Free to read)
Does the old rallying cry "Guns don't kill people. People kill people" hold up to philosophical scrutiny? [...] more of a slogan than well-formulated argument...(Free to read subject to limited trial, subscription normally required for further access)
N.R.A. officials also cite a study made by University of Pennsylvania Sociologist Marvin E. Wolfgang of 588 criminal homicides committed in Philadelphia over a four- year period. He concluded that, given "sufficient. motivation or provocation," it makes no difference whether a gun is handy—if not, the offender "would use a knife to stab or fists to beat his victim to death." But Wolfgang has since modified that view.(Free to read)
23. What about the argument that "guns don't commit crimes, people do"? Of course, guns don't commit crimes, but people using guns certainly do. People using guns last year alone robbed 71,000 Americans, assaulted 55,000 Americans, and murdered 7,700 Americans. People using guns murdered John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy, along with more than 25,000 other Americans between 1963 and 1967.(Free to read)
gun zealots argue: 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' True enough, but without the glut of handguns, people would not find it so easy, so convenient or so tempting to kill other people. If there were no guns, there still would be murder because man's nature occasionally turns bad but, if there were no guns, there would not be so many murders.(Free to read)
they say guns don't kill people; people do. Well, even our adversaries fly around on airplanes a lot. Suppose I gave you the following speech tomorrow. Suppose I said, "I'm really worried about how crowded airports are, and almost everybody who goes into an airport is honest, and after all, bombs don't kill people; people do. I'm going to take the metal detectors out of the airport, and the next time a plane blows up, we'll throw the book at them."(Free to read)
Their slogan: "Guns don't kill people, people do," right? It's a personal problem. So find the wrongdoer, put him in jail, and throw the key away. This is politics, economics aside—has nothing to do with this. This is about personal wrongdoing. And therefore, don't you dare inconvenience me one bit because of something somebody else did. I shouldn't have to wait 5 days to get my handgun, because I haven't done anything wrong.(Free to read)
"You know, every time I have a fight with the NRA, they say guns don't people, people do. They say this is about evil...". (pg 1675) "The view espoused by the NRA and others is that guns don't kill people, people do. That may be true, but people without guns don't kill as many people as people with guns." (pg 2175)(Free to read)
The lobby loves to fall back on trite mantras that unfortunately have proved all too effective in silencing any meaningful public debate heretofore: "Guns don't kill; people do."(Free to read)
We have all heard the saying, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." That may be true, but guns make it a whole heck of a lot easier. On the same day that Sandy Hook faced tragedy, 22 children in China were stabbed. Not one child was killed. If that man who stabbed these children had a gun, chances are the children would have been killed.(Free to read)
As a responsible gun owner, I am fed up with those who are blindly opposed to background checks hiding behind bumper sticker slogans like: Guns don't kill people; people kill people. Everyone knows that guns don't kill people, which is exactly why responsible gun owners and the overwhelming majority of the American people understand that it is important to run a background check to see if the person buying the gun is a danger to our community.(Free to read)
Quigley... the gun lobby seeks to stymie debate by arguing that guns don't kill people, people kill people.(Free to read)
As to the second argument, as author Dennis Henigan once put it, guns don't kill people; they just enable people to kill people.(Free to read)
Engel... I know people say guns don't kill people, people kill people; that is true. But guns in the hands of the wrong people kill people.(Free to read)
Perlmutter... The old saying is, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Well, crazy people with guns kill people(Free to read)
Levin... Yes, we have all heard the glib rhetoric of the NRA, that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." This bumper-sticker logic obscures the real truth. People with guns kill people(Free to read)
Nadler... we hear from the NRA that guns do not kill people, people kill people. But the truth is, of course, that guns do not kill people. People with guns kill people.(Free to read)
Addressing the mental health issue, he said, "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun" — a statement that recalls the NRA's decades-old talking point that "Guns don't kill people. People do."(Free to read)
... out with the old saw that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." The NRA has gotten a long run out of that inane statement.(Free to read)
"Today, the gentleman from Illinois will move an amendment that is a new twist on the NRA mantra, "guns don't kill people . . . George Orwell does. Guns don't kill people . . . Steven Speilberg does." "Guns don't kill people . . . Verdi and Puccini do."" (pg 13138)(Free to read)
without an obvious conclusion, it isn't an argument at all, so no conclusion about gun regulation follows. (pg 82)(Free to read)
... the slogan, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people"-according to which logic the gun is a neutral tool while agency is attributed to the individual pulling the trigger. In contrast ...
We cannot agree with the instrumentalist that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."(Free to read)
Selinger believes that the instrumentalist view of thinking about technology—including guns—is wrong.(Free to read)
For example, gun control is often pushed against using the argument that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Looking at this assertion through the lens of STS, it becomes obvious that guns do in fact contain moral value and have some level of technological agency. (pg 47)(Free to read)
Up to a point, the bumper stick-ers are right. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. But the slogans stop short of the obvious question. Without easy access to guns of all kinds, could Americans go on killing one another at anything like the present rate?(Free to read)
the argument that it is political factors, not weapons systems, that are the key to conflict resolution and threat reduction (the geopolitical equivalent of "guns don't kill people, people kill people").(Free to read)
In this new paradigm, the interest of global nuclear safety depends mainly on disarming "rouge" governments in problem countries; nuclear weapons possession by responsible states can be a positive force toward these ends. Problem countries bear responsibility to act. This conception is the nuclear equivalent of U.S. domestic gun freedom advocates' credo: guns don't kill people; bad people with guns kill people.(Limited pages free to read, purchase generally required for complete readability)
The popular gun-advocacy bumper sticker says that "guns don't kill people, people kill people"—and it is, in fact, true.(Free to read)
That's My Bush!, UHF (film), Family Guy, Grand Theft Auto III, Bullet to the Head, Money Talks (1997 film), NCIS (TV series), Still Smokin (film), Shoot 'Em Up (film)...(Free to read)
We need to ban some rounds, tax others, keep records, scrutinize licenses to manufacture.(Free to read subject to limited trial, subscription normally required for further access)
In 1993, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York...(Free to read)
His T-shirt had the logo, "Guns don't kill people, I do,"(Free to read)
Rush Limbaugh(Free to read)
... the slogan, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people"-according to which logic the gun is a neutral tool while agency is attributed to the individual pulling the trigger. In contrast ...
But once we leave those extremes, which few people hold, the options are defined by a pair of coordinates along these distinct scales. (p 263)(Limited pages free to read, complete access on free registration)
We need to ban some rounds, tax others, keep records, scrutinize licenses to manufacture.(Free to read subject to limited trial, subscription normally required for further access)
His T-shirt had the logo, "Guns don't kill people, I do,"(Free to read)