According to Guo Wei's biography in "Old Histories of the Five Dynasties", he was born on the 28th day of the 7th month of the 1st year of the Tianyou era of the reign of Emperor Ai of Tang. This corresponds to 10 Sep 904 on the Julian calendar. (后以唐天祐元年甲子歲七月二十八日,生帝於堯山之舊宅。) Wudai Shi, ch. 110.
According to Guo Wei's biography in "Old Histories of the Five Dynasties", he died between 9am and 11 am on the renchen day of the 1st month of the 1st year of the Xiande era of his reign. This corresponds to 22 Feb 954 on the Julian calendar. ([顯德元年春正月]壬辰.....是日巳時,帝崩於滋德殿,聖壽五十一。) Wudai Shi, ch. 113.
(即應募,與周祖等十人約為兄弟。一日會飲,瓊熟視周祖,知非常人。因舉酒祝曰:“凡我十人,龍蛇混合,異日富貴無相忘,苟渝此言,神降之罰。”皆刺臂出血為誓。周祖與瓊情好尤密,嘗造瓊,見其危坐讀書,因問所讀何書,瓊曰:“此《閫外春秋》,所謂以正守國,以奇用兵,較存亡治亂,記賢愚成敗,皆在此也。”周祖令讀之,謂瓊曰:“兄當教我。”自是周祖出入常袖以自隨,遇暇輒讀,每問難瓊,謂瓊為師。) Song Shi, ch. 261.