"Preface of reprint"
"Rules for Planetary Pictures by A.Witte & L.Rudolph", p. 10, Reprint of the first English translation 1939. Witte-Verlag Publishing, Hamburg, 2014
The association was re-founded as “Astrologische Studiengesellschaft (Hamburger Schule)” , engl. “Astrological Study Society (Hamburg School)”, December 27th, 1947, 6:38 PM (GMT), in Hamburg, by Ludwig Rudolph, Johann Rose, Hermann Lefeldt, Werner Ritter, Heinrich Schacht, Friedrich Heeger, Albert Berndt, Otto Wilms and Willi Hellberg. References: cover pages and articles in the Journal “Hamburger Hefte” 4/1998 and 3/1999. (In the 1960s, Otto Wilms introduced the "Hamburg School" method in Australia.)