(in Dutch)Filip Dewinter zegt wat u denkt - VeiligheidsmeetingArchived 27 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine ("Filip Dewinter says what you think - Security Meeting") This quoted web page shows the context of the more widely published phrase that immediately followed: "This feeling of insecurity does not relate only to fear for the unknown, but also to the simple fact that the risk of aggression or insults, of violence, happens to be larger solely because one is white, solely because one is Flemish, solely because one is European. Criminality and violence obtained a political, an ideological, or a religious character in quite some neighbourhoods of our cities. The hunt on all that is not Islamitic, not Arab and not foreign, was opened a while ago.", F. Dewinter, 11 April 2006
(in French)Le racisme meurtrier du Vlaams Belang ("Racism murderer of Vlaams Belang") Citation 1: "Son père, Peter, est un militant de la première heure de l’ex-Vlaams Blok, crée en 1978 par des nationalistes flamands et d’anciens collabos." ("His father, Peter, is a militant of the first hour for the ex-Vlaams Blok, created in 1978 by Flemish nationalists and former collaborators.") - Citation 2: "Paul Beliën, idéologue du parti, assimilait sur son site Internet les personnes d’origine arabe " à des fauves assoiffés de sang, qui ont appris lors de leur fête annuelle à égorger le mouton ". Et appelait les Flamands à se débarrasser d’eux. Le titre de son pamphlet xénophobe ? " Donnez-nous des armes. " Hans a pris la sienne." ("Paul Beliën, [Vlaams Belang] party ideologist, on his web site assimilated the persons of Arab origin 'with bloodthirsty tawny-coloureds, who have learned from their yearly feast to cut the sheep's throat'. And called upon the Flemish to get rid of them. The title of his xenophobe pamphlet? 'Give us weapons'. Hans took up his.") journal (in France) l'Humanité, 19 May 2006
(in Dutch)Dienstwapen inleveren is geen probleemArchived 11 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine ("Returning service gun is not a problem"): Some foresters disarm in 2008 (hence in 2006 still perceived armed), journal Het Nieuwsblad, 17 January 2008
(in Dutch)De vermoorde onschuld ("The murdered innocence", here rather literally taken Dutch expression for ostensible innocence) by publicist Manu Claeys, 25 May 2006, on webzine (in the Netherlands) Ravage Digitaal
(in Dutch)Dienstwapen inleveren is geen probleemArchived 11 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine ("Returning service gun is not a problem"): Some foresters disarm in 2008 (hence in 2006 still perceived armed), journal Het Nieuwsblad, 17 January 2008
(in Dutch)Filip Dewinter zegt wat u denkt - VeiligheidsmeetingArchived 27 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine ("Filip Dewinter says what you think - Security Meeting") This quoted web page shows the context of the more widely published phrase that immediately followed: "This feeling of insecurity does not relate only to fear for the unknown, but also to the simple fact that the risk of aggression or insults, of violence, happens to be larger solely because one is white, solely because one is Flemish, solely because one is European. Criminality and violence obtained a political, an ideological, or a religious character in quite some neighbourhoods of our cities. The hunt on all that is not Islamitic, not Arab and not foreign, was opened a while ago.", F. Dewinter, 11 April 2006