Thayer, William Roscoe; Castle, William Richards; et al., The Harvard Graduates' Magazine, Harvard Graduates' Magazine Association, 1911, v.19 (1910-1911). Cf. "The Harvard Aviation Meet", pp. 196-199.
O'Regan, Gerry, "MBTA Red Line: The South Shore Extension". "The new Old Colony main now crosses beside us on a bridge built in the 1990s. Beneath the northerly bridge approaches lies the site of the Old Colony's former Neponset Station. The view from this bridge is second only to that from the Longfellow, and includes many pleasure craft, a salt marsh, and the Boston Skyline in the background. We descend to a brief cut, passing under Quincy Shore Drive, and through the site of Atlantic Station on a southerly curve. Hancock St. passes overhead, and the route curves to the southeast again, passes through the scissors crossover at Interlocking 22, and enters North Quincy Station."