[1] "...the lorde Henry Brandon, sonne to the duke of Suffolke and the Frenche Quene the kynges sister, a childe of twoo yere old, was greated Erle of Lincolne..."
[3] "...the lorde Henry Brandon, sonne to the duke of Suffolke and the Frenche Quene the kynges sister, a childe of twoo yere old, was greated Erle of Lincolne..." In: Hall's chronicle: containing the history of England, during the reign of Henry the Fourth, and the succeeding monarchs, to the end of the reign of Henry the Eighth, in which are particularly described the manners and customs of those periods. Carefully collated with the editions of 1548 and 1550, London 1809, p. 703
[4] "...The King's nephew, Henry [...] was so young that Sir John Vere was appointed to carry him..." In: William S. Childe-Pemberton: Elizabeth Blount and Henry the Eighth, with some account of her surroundings, 1913, p. 138
[2] "Yesterday morning died the earl of Lincoln..." Letter, dated 2 March 1534, William Lord Dacre to Lady Dacre In: 'Henry VIII: March 1534, 1–5', Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7: 1534 (1883)
[5] "On Sunday next the duke of Suffolk will be married to the daughter of a Spanish lady named lady Willoughby. She was promised to his son, but he is only ten years old..." Imperial Ambassador Eustace Chapuys to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor In: 'Henry VIII: September 1533, 1–10', Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6: 1533 (1882)