Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hideo Kojima" in English language version.
As a teen in Kawanishi in western Japan, Kojima's obsessions were movies, Japanese manga comics, and novels.
His economics thesis even included a short story "to surprise my professor, and he was very surprised", said Kojima through a translator, "but it didn't help my grade much".
Kingo Kojima, a pharmacist, named his son based on the most common name among the doctors he met. He travelled a lot on business and watched a lot of movies, a trait he impressed on young Hideo.
My team was asked to port the original MSX2 version to NES in three months and we had to make some changes per management and due to the hardware limitations.
Born on August 24, 1963, Hideo Kojima is the Konami Digital Entertainment, Operating Officer and Studio Head of Kojima Productions.
(Metal Gear [1987.7.13] MSX2
It was during that time that my parents introduced a family tradition: every night we would all watch a film together. I wasn't allowed to go to bed till the film had finished: the opposite of how it is for most children. My parents were huge fans of westerns, European cinema and horror in particular. They wouldn't just show me kids' films. I'd even see the sex scenes.
"I was born in a countryside town," he says. "But when I was four years old we moved to Osaka. It was a huge environment change and after that I would spend much more time at home, watching television or making figurines.
We managed to trick our parents into giving us the money to go on a four day trip to an exotic island off the coast of Japan. But when we arrived we spent the first three days swimming in the sea. On the final day we realized how little time we had left so I changed the plot … to another zombie movie. The idea was still that the plane had crashed and high school student had survived. But this time they found zombies on the island.
"Did you show your parents the film?" I ask. "No," he replies, breaking into a generous laugh.
It was in the midst of this time of his life, watching movies and starting out on the journey to create them, that Kojima's world fell apart with the death of his father. "I was just 13 when he died," he says. "It was hard and lonely but, in a way, it strengthened my resolve to become a filmmaker."
Kojima was studying economics at university when he made the decision to join the games industry. "I wrote novels in my spare time while studying," he says.
"Even this pursuit was related to film as I wanted to win awards for my novels and thought that if that happened perhaps I would get the chance to make a movie.
But I had no friends that were interested in cinema; nobody to encourage me in that career.
The groom stood up to introduce me. He said: 'Welcome everybody. This is Mr Kojima. He's a very talented and otherwise likeable person. But I am sorry to say that, for some unknown reason, he has decided to join a video game company.' Everybody laughed. You see: working in the games industry was seen as a very low status job at that time. There wasn't even a word in Japanese for the job of game designer back then. I would lie at parties. I told people I worked for a financial firm ...
I began looking for a company to work for and settled on Konami, not because of the type of games they were making at the time, but rather because they were listed on the stock exchange," he says. "They were the only games company to be listed at the time; not even Nintendo had that accolade.
It was hugely frustrating making games at that time for me. I wanted to control everything. So, after the second Metal Gear launched, I developed my own scripting engine and decided to work on adventure games so that I could have complete control over when the animation played or when the music triggered. That's when I developed Snatcher and Policenauts. It was a way to take creative control back from the programmers.
それまでとは違った視点からベトナム戦争を描いたマイケル・チミノ監督の出世作。スネークのバンダナは「ランボー」から来ていると思われているが、実はこの映画のデ・ニーロから来ている(in Japanese)
メタルギアのゲームコンセプトである「潜入ミッション」というイメージの元になったアリステア・マクリーン原作による戦争冒険映画の名作。まさに孤立無援で敵要塞に潜入、不可能を可能にする男達の物語。(in Japanese)
メタルギア誕生に最も影響を受けたのは、諜報アクション映画である007シリーズ。ショーン・コネリー演じる初代ボンドの作品の中で最も娯楽性に富んでいるのがこの作品。のちのボンド映画の手本となった。(in Japanese)
The Metal Gear series has been a huge cornerstone of the stealth genre, right from its first appearance in 1987 [...] Metal Gear games had elements of stealth, like line-of-sight, box-based camouflage and noise detection
Born on August 24, 1963, Hideo Kojima is the Konami Digital Entertainment, Operating Officer and Studio Head of Kojima Productions.
It was during that time that my parents introduced a family tradition: every night we would all watch a film together. I wasn't allowed to go to bed till the film had finished: the opposite of how it is for most children. My parents were huge fans of westerns, European cinema and horror in particular. They wouldn't just show me kids' films. I'd even see the sex scenes.
Kingo Kojima, a pharmacist, named his son based on the most common name among the doctors he met. He travelled a lot on business and watched a lot of movies, a trait he impressed on young Hideo.
"I was born in a countryside town," he says. "But when I was four years old we moved to Osaka. It was a huge environment change and after that I would spend much more time at home, watching television or making figurines.
We managed to trick our parents into giving us the money to go on a four day trip to an exotic island off the coast of Japan. But when we arrived we spent the first three days swimming in the sea. On the final day we realized how little time we had left so I changed the plot … to another zombie movie. The idea was still that the plane had crashed and high school student had survived. But this time they found zombies on the island.
"Did you show your parents the film?" I ask. "No," he replies, breaking into a generous laugh.
As a teen in Kawanishi in western Japan, Kojima's obsessions were movies, Japanese manga comics, and novels.
It was in the midst of this time of his life, watching movies and starting out on the journey to create them, that Kojima's world fell apart with the death of his father. "I was just 13 when he died," he says. "It was hard and lonely but, in a way, it strengthened my resolve to become a filmmaker."
Kojima was studying economics at university when he made the decision to join the games industry. "I wrote novels in my spare time while studying," he says.
His economics thesis even included a short story "to surprise my professor, and he was very surprised", said Kojima through a translator, "but it didn't help my grade much".
"Even this pursuit was related to film as I wanted to win awards for my novels and thought that if that happened perhaps I would get the chance to make a movie.
But I had no friends that were interested in cinema; nobody to encourage me in that career.
The groom stood up to introduce me. He said: 'Welcome everybody. This is Mr Kojima. He's a very talented and otherwise likeable person. But I am sorry to say that, for some unknown reason, he has decided to join a video game company.' Everybody laughed. You see: working in the games industry was seen as a very low status job at that time. There wasn't even a word in Japanese for the job of game designer back then. I would lie at parties. I told people I worked for a financial firm ...
I began looking for a company to work for and settled on Konami, not because of the type of games they were making at the time, but rather because they were listed on the stock exchange," he says. "They were the only games company to be listed at the time; not even Nintendo had that accolade.
(Metal Gear [1987.7.13] MSX2
The Metal Gear series has been a huge cornerstone of the stealth genre, right from its first appearance in 1987 [...] Metal Gear games had elements of stealth, like line-of-sight, box-based camouflage and noise detection
My team was asked to port the original MSX2 version to NES in three months and we had to make some changes per management and due to the hardware limitations.
It was hugely frustrating making games at that time for me. I wanted to control everything. So, after the second Metal Gear launched, I developed my own scripting engine and decided to work on adventure games so that I could have complete control over when the animation played or when the music triggered. That's when I developed Snatcher and Policenauts. It was a way to take creative control back from the programmers.
それまでとは違った視点からベトナム戦争を描いたマイケル・チミノ監督の出世作。スネークのバンダナは「ランボー」から来ていると思われているが、実はこの映画のデ・ニーロから来ている(in Japanese)
メタルギアのゲームコンセプトである「潜入ミッション」というイメージの元になったアリステア・マクリーン原作による戦争冒険映画の名作。まさに孤立無援で敵要塞に潜入、不可能を可能にする男達の物語。(in Japanese)
メタルギア誕生に最も影響を受けたのは、諜報アクション映画である007シリーズ。ショーン・コネリー演じる初代ボンドの作品の中で最も娯楽性に富んでいるのがこの作品。のちのボンド映画の手本となった。(in Japanese)
It was during that time that my parents introduced a family tradition: every night we would all watch a film together. I wasn't allowed to go to bed till the film had finished: the opposite of how it is for most children. My parents were huge fans of westerns, European cinema and horror in particular. They wouldn't just show me kids' films. I'd even see the sex scenes.
"I was born in a countryside town," he says. "But when I was four years old we moved to Osaka. It was a huge environment change and after that I would spend much more time at home, watching television or making figurines.
We managed to trick our parents into giving us the money to go on a four day trip to an exotic island off the coast of Japan. But when we arrived we spent the first three days swimming in the sea. On the final day we realized how little time we had left so I changed the plot … to another zombie movie. The idea was still that the plane had crashed and high school student had survived. But this time they found zombies on the island.
"Did you show your parents the film?" I ask. "No," he replies, breaking into a generous laugh.
It was in the midst of this time of his life, watching movies and starting out on the journey to create them, that Kojima's world fell apart with the death of his father. "I was just 13 when he died," he says. "It was hard and lonely but, in a way, it strengthened my resolve to become a filmmaker."
"Even this pursuit was related to film as I wanted to win awards for my novels and thought that if that happened perhaps I would get the chance to make a movie.
The groom stood up to introduce me. He said: 'Welcome everybody. This is Mr Kojima. He's a very talented and otherwise likeable person. But I am sorry to say that, for some unknown reason, he has decided to join a video game company.' Everybody laughed. You see: working in the games industry was seen as a very low status job at that time. There wasn't even a word in Japanese for the job of game designer back then. I would lie at parties. I told people I worked for a financial firm ...
I began looking for a company to work for and settled on Konami, not because of the type of games they were making at the time, but rather because they were listed on the stock exchange," he says. "They were the only games company to be listed at the time; not even Nintendo had that accolade.