Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Highland Park Borough School District, New Jersey Department of Education, for year ending June 30, 2023. Accessed April 13, 2024. "The District is a Type II District located in the County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey. As a Type II District, the school district functions independently through a Board of Education. The Board is comprised of nine members elected to three-year terms. The purpose of the District is to educate students in Grades K to 12."
Superintendent, Highland Park Public Schools. Accessed March 10, 2022.
Highland Park Board of Education District Policy 0110 - Identification, Highland Park Public Schools. Accessed March 10, 2022. "Purpose: The Board of Education exists for the purpose of providing a thorough and efficient system of free public education in grades PreK through 12 in the Highland Park School District. Composition: The Highland Park School District is comprised of all the area within the municipal boundaries of Highland Park."