Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hindustani kinship terms" in English language version.
In this case, EGO can be of either sex (though in some kinship systems, such as that of Hindi-Urdu, the sex of EGO affects the choice of terms for certain relatives).
Kinship terms are also used for respect (e.g. 'older sister' for a woman one's own age or slightly older and the ubiquitous 'auntie' or 'uncle' in both Hindi/Urdu and English, especially but not exclusively used by children).
H. چاچا chāchā, s.m. Paternal uncle. See چچا.
PLATTS DICTIONARY: چاچا चाचा ćāćā H چاچا चाचा ćāćā [S. तात or तात्य+कः], s.m. A paternal uncle (see ćaććā or ćaćā, the more com. forms).
چاچا चाचा ćāćā (p. 416) H چاچا चाचा ćāćā [S. तात or तात्य+कः], s.m. A paternal uncle (see ćaććā or ćaćā, the more com. forms).
1) چچا चचा ćaćā (p. 427) H چچا चचा ćaćā, चच्चा ćaććā [S. तात्य+कः; cf. ćaćā], s.m. Paternal uncle, father's (younger) brother; — a superior; a knowing or astute fellow: — ćaćā banānā, v.t. To give (one) a beating, to castigate: — ćaćā-zād bhāʼī, s.m. A cousin, a father's younger brother's son.