""A memorial in the village of Hula, commemorating the massacre committed by the Israeli army in 1948, defaced & desecrated with the above Hebrew graffiti, by Israel’s most immoral army in the world," said Lebanese-British journalist and author Hala Jaber on X."
Verdict from The Israeli High Court of Justice, Feb. 2, 1949; the written judgement was not provided until 1959: Shmuel Lahisse versus The Minister of Defense and others, HCJ 27/48. [1]Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine
Verdict from The Israeli High Court of Justice, Feb. 2, 1949; the written judgement was not provided until 1959: Shmuel Lahisse versus The Minister of Defense and others, HCJ 27/48. [1]Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine