Hungarian raid in Spain (942) (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hungarian raid in Spain (942)" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
121st place
142nd place
low place
low place
2nd place
2nd place

  • Zimonyi 2004, p. 29: "Those who know their affairs mentioned that their country lies in the far East. The Pechenegs live east of them and they are their neighbors. The land of Rome lies south of them. The town of Constantinople lies deviating a little from the direction to the east. The town of Murāwa [Moravia] and the rest of the Slavic countries lie north of them. The Saxons and the Franks are west of them. They covered a long distance to the land of Andalusia ... Their way during their march crossed Lombardia, which borders them. There is a distance of eight days between them and it [Lombardia]. Their dwelling places are on the Danube River and they are nomads as the Arabs without towns and houses living in felt tents in scattered halting-places." Zimonyi, István (2004). "A New Muslim Source on the Hungarians in the Second Half of the Tenth Century". Chronica. 4: 22–31.

  • Schamiloglu 1984, p. 216: "The one who reported their matters said that their land is in the far east, and that the Pechenegs [Bacanāk] neighbour them to the east, that the land of Rūma is in the direction of qibla [i.e., Mecca] from them, and that the land of Constantinople is a little bit off to the east from them. To their north is the city of Morava [Marāwa] and the other cities of the Slavs [Ṣaqāliba]. To the west of them are the Saxons [ṢXṢNṢ] and the Franks [Ifranca]. To get to the land of Andalusia they traversed a long distance [a part of which is] desert ..." Schamiloglu, Uli (1984). "The Name of the Pechenegs in Ibn Ḥayyān's al-Muqtabas" (PDF). Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük bilgisi araştırmaları. 8: 215–22.