IPM (software) (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "IPM (software)" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
low place
low place
68th place
117th place
2,365th place
1,348th place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,216th place
797th place
low place
low place


  • "Shaping Relations Between Government and Citizens: Future Directions in Public Administration?". Parliament of Australia. Retrieved 2009-06-12. The European Commission has announced an initiative designed to involve citizens, consumers and businesses in policy development and evaluation. (...) The Interactive Policy-Making Initiative(63) includes: 'a feedback mechanism which helps to collect spontaneous reactions in the marketplace, using existing networks and contact points as intermediaries, in order to obtain continuous access to the opinions and experiences of economic operators and EU citizens'


  • "La Commission souhaite utiliser Internet" (in French). Artesi - Ile de France. Retrieved 2009-06-12. La Commission prévoit de commencer à utiliser ce système avant la fin de l'année 2001.







  • "IPM". Ipm.forge.osor.eu. 2007-01-09. Archived from the original on 2009-06-08. Retrieved 2009-06-12.


  • "TIMMERS Paul Volume 1" (PDF). 6500 contributions were received via the Interactive Policy Making web tool and all responses were published on a Commission website for full transparency to show which organization, company or individual had advocated which amendments.


  • "La Comisión Europea dispone de un nuevo web" (in Spanish). Heraldo de Aragón. 2001-10-24. Retrieved 2009-06-12. La Comisión Europea presentó ayer un nuevo espacio web llamado Tu voz en Europa, que muestra a los ciudadanos, consumidores y empresas la forma de participar activamente en el proceso de decisiones de la UE. A través de este web, los internautas podrán expresar sus opiniones sobre las nuevas iniciativas de la Unión y sobre la aplicación de las normas vigentes, debatir el futuro de Europa o formular quejas. (...) Tu voz en Europa forma parte de la iniciativa comunitaria para la elaboración interactiva de las políticas.


  • "EU solicits anti-cybersquatter advice". The Register. Retrieved 2009-06-12. According to the EU, the survey is part of the Commission's Interactive Policy Making Initiative and its results will feed into the consideration of public policy rules for the European Union top-level domain (TLD), .eu. "We want to prevent abuses by 'cybersquatters' of the future .eu top-level domain, without hindering legitimate Internet users. This consultation will help us do that," said Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein.


  • "IPM". Ipm.forge.osor.eu. 2007-01-09. Archived from the original on 2009-06-08. Retrieved 2009-06-12.