Hong Seon-hwa (February 7, 2023). 임세미, 티빙 오지리널 '방과 후 전쟁활동' 주인공 캐스팅 '기대감 UP' [Im Se-mi, TVING Original 'After School War Activity' main character casting 'expectations UP']. BizEnter (in Korean). Archived from the original on March 8, 2023. Retrieved March 8, 2023.
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Kang Da-yoon (May 4, 2022). 권상우X임세미X성동일, '위기의 X' 출연…하반기 공개 예정 [공식] [Kwon Sang-woo X Im Se-mi X Sung Dong-il to appear in 'X in Crisis'... Scheduled to be released in the second half [Official]] (in Korean). MyDaily [ko]. Retrieved May 4, 2022 – via Naver.