In Death (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "In Death" in English language version.

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  • Roberts, Nora (18 April 2014). "Eve And Roarke With No Body". Fall Into The Story. Retrieved 7 December 2017. So, no babies, not now. No charming orphans of any age. No pregnancy scares, no miscarriages, no foundlings, no street-wise kid who needs a good home. Did I leave anything out? If so, fill it in, then answer no.... I'm sorry some readers are disappointed I'm not taking the series and the characters in this direction, but I'm not. Repeat: I. Am. Not. The readers who insist on telling me why this could/should work are wasting their time. I don't agree, and I write the books.
  • Laura (2021-02-09). "Faithless in Death discussion spot". Fall Into The Story. Retrieved 2021-04-26.

  • Robb, J.D. "FAQ". J.D.ROBB. When will Eve and Roarke have a baby? Nora has said repeatedly that a baby would signal the end of the series. In her opinion, a baby changes everything (for the better) and the focus of the series would change radically. In no way does this mean Nora thinks a mother can't be an excellent police officer (or attorney or any other type of professional). It does mean that many of the things readers love about Eve and Roarke's life together would change (i.e., leaving home for hours on end only to return to continue working in their home offices).