In Lope de Vega, the journey to the Indias in search of wealth and the wealthy indiano frequently appear with pejorative overtones (La noche de San Juan, El premio del bien hablar, La moza de cántaro; Amar, servir y esperar, El desprecio agradecido, etc.). In Calderón's work, the indiano also appears as a personification of wealth. This significant example from "Guárdate del agua mansa": Good they are but ten years / of Indias are much better / I thought that the adage / of having a father mayor / was a child compared / to the supreme dignity / of having an Indiano father. Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B.; González Cañal, Rafael; Marcello, Elena (2001). Calderón: Sistema dramático y técnicas escénicas: actas de las XXIII Jornadas de Teatro Clásico: Almagro, 11, 12 y 13 de julio de 2000 (in Spanish). Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. ISBN8484271382.