Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Inuit" in English language version.
Given the importance that Eskimos attached to the aged, it is surprising that so many Westerners believe that they systematically eliminated elderly people as soon as they became incapable of performing the duties related to hunting or sewing.
aurora borealis Inuit.
...shorelines, Inuit gathered seaweed and shellfish. For some, these foods were a treat;...
Not included are the myriad of other species of plants and animals that Inuit use, such as geese, ducks, rabbits, ptarmigan, swans, halibut, clams, mussels, cod, berries and seaweed.
[T]his Charter of certain rights and freedoms shall not be construed so as to abrogate or derogate from any aboriginal, treaty or other rights or freedoms that pertain to the aboriginal peoples of Canada.
In this Act, aboriginal peoples of Canada includes the Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.
The term 'Eskimo', applied to Inuit by European explorers, is no longer used in Canada.