Yeremenko N, Kouril R, Ihalainen JA, D'Haene S, van Oosterwijk N, Andrizhiyevskaya EG, Keegstra W, Dekker HL, Hagemann M, Boekema EJ, Matthijs HC, Dekker JP (August 2004). "Supramolecular organization and dual function of the IsiA chlorophyll-binding protein in cyanobacteria". Biochemistry. 43 (32): 10308–13. CiteSeerX10.1.1.516.3974. doi:10.1021/bi048772l. PMID15301529.
Yeremenko N, Kouril R, Ihalainen JA, D'Haene S, van Oosterwijk N, Andrizhiyevskaya EG, Keegstra W, Dekker HL, Hagemann M, Boekema EJ, Matthijs HC, Dekker JP (August 2004). "Supramolecular organization and dual function of the IsiA chlorophyll-binding protein in cyanobacteria". Biochemistry. 43 (32): 10308–13. CiteSeerX10.1.1.516.3974. doi:10.1021/bi048772l. PMID15301529.
Yeremenko N, Kouril R, Ihalainen JA, D'Haene S, van Oosterwijk N, Andrizhiyevskaya EG, Keegstra W, Dekker HL, Hagemann M, Boekema EJ, Matthijs HC, Dekker JP (August 2004). "Supramolecular organization and dual function of the IsiA chlorophyll-binding protein in cyanobacteria". Biochemistry. 43 (32): 10308–13. CiteSeerX10.1.1.516.3974. doi:10.1021/bi048772l. PMID15301529.