Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Islamic calendar" in English language version.
The [c]alendar (...) is the same as the Muhammadan Almanac, the months and year being lunar[.] (...) The names of the lunar months and their corresponding Arabic ones are these: 'Ashúr Ay = Muharram. Safar Ay = Safar. Safar Coshini Ay = Rabí'ulawwal. Jamádí-ul-awwal = Rabí-'uth-thání. Jamádí-ul-ákhir = Jamádí-ul-awwal. Talásh Ay = Jamádí-uth-thání. Duá Ay = Rajab. Barát Ay = Sha'bán. Roza Ay = Ramazán. Hít (Íd) Ay = Shawál. Ará Ay = Zi Ca'da. Hít Cúrbán Ay = Zi Híjja.
Turki Lunar Year: aşur ay, säpär ay, säpär qoşnisi, jamadi ulaval, jamadi ulaxir, talaş ay, du'a ay, barat ay, roza ay, heyt ay, ara ay, aydi qurban ay.
Until the time of Amānullāh, the Hazāras used the following terms to indicate the Mohammedan lunar months: Ashur, (...) Safar, Algho-i-awwal, Algho-i-doyum, Algho-i-seyum, Algho-i-chārum, Rejāb, Shabo, Ramazo, Id mah, Khāli, Qurbo.
Until the time of Amānullāh, the Hazāras used the following terms to indicate the Mohammedan lunar months: Ashur, (...) Safar, Algho-i-awwal, Algho-i-doyum, Algho-i-seyum, Algho-i-chārum, Rejāb, Shabo, Ramazo, Id mah, Khāli, Qurbo.
The Mohammedans only employ the Chinese system in documents to be presented before the Chinese authorities, otherwise they keep to their own. They have a Lunar year[.] (...) It has 12 months with 29 or 30 days. Their names, corresponding to the Arabic ones, (...) are as follows: عشور آی ʾä̬šu̬r ay, صفر آی säpär ay, صفر قوشنەسی säpär qošnä̬sı̬̊, جمادیالاول ǰämadi ulä̬vä̬l, جمادیالآخر ǰämadi ulaχir, تلاش آی talaš ay, دعا آی dʾu̥ā ay, براعت آی baraʾt ay, روزە آی roze ay, عید آی ʾä̬yd ay, آرا آی ārḁ ay, عید قربان آی ʾä̬ydqurban ay.
The [c]alendar (...) is the same as the Muhammadan Almanac, the months and year being lunar[.] (...) The names of the lunar months and their corresponding Arabic ones are these: 'Ashúr Ay = Muharram. Safar Ay = Safar. Safar Coshini Ay = Rabí'ulawwal. Jamádí-ul-awwal = Rabí-'uth-thání. Jamádí-ul-ákhir = Jamádí-ul-awwal. Talásh Ay = Jamádí-uth-thání. Duá Ay = Rajab. Barát Ay = Sha'bán. Roza Ay = Ramazán. Hít (Íd) Ay = Shawál. Ará Ay = Zi Ca'da. Hít Cúrbán Ay = Zi Híjja.
Turki Lunar Year: aşur ay, säpär ay, säpär qoşnisi, jamadi ulaval, jamadi ulaxir, talaş ay, du'a ay, barat ay, roza ay, heyt ay, ara ay, aydi qurban ay.
Turki Lunar Year: aşur ay, säpär ay, säpär qoşnisi, jamadi ulaval, jamadi ulaxir, talaş ay, du'a ay, barat ay, roza ay, heyt ay, ara ay, aydi qurban ay.