Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem" in English language version.
Immediately after the 1967 War the Government of Israel unilaterally annexed about 70,500 dunams (approximately 17,400 acres) of the Jordanian Jerusalem and West Bank land to the municipal boundaries of West Jerusalem. In addition to the areas of Jerusalem that had previously been controlled by Jordan (approximately 6,500 dunams), the annexed lands included an additional 64,000 dunams, most of which belonged to 28 Palestinian villages in the West Bank; the remaining annexed lands were within the municipal boundaries of Bethlehem and Beit Jala. With this annexation, the total area of Jerusalem tripled, making Jerusalem Israel's largest city, in both territory and population. This annexed territory is known today as "East Jerusalem".
On 27 June 1967, the Knesset adopted an amendment to the Law and Administration Ordinance, stipulating in Article 11b that "the law, jurisdiction and administration of the State shall apply to all the area of the Land of Israel which the government has determined by Order". 17 On the next day, 28 June 1967, the Israeli government instituted the Law and Administration Order, which applied the "law, jurisdiction and administration of the State" to East Jerusalem.The Knesset then authorised the Minister of the Interior to extend the boundaries of any municipality to include any area designated by government order. Accordingly, the Minister of the Interior expanded the borders of what had been West Jerusalem to include the recently occupied sector of the West Bank mentioned above. Israel then, by proclamation under the Municipalities Ordinance stipulated that the annexed territory was included within the boundaries of the Jerusalem Municipality.