Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Iveta Putalová" in English language version.
Spokojný bol aj tréner Marcel Lopuchovský: nič nerieši, dokáže sa koncentrovať len na samotný beh. Má aj bolesti zubov, pomohol nám český masér, všetko vyšlo. Som spokojný. Plán, vrátane prípravy v Kalifornii, bol dobrý nápad." Iveta Putalová "Iveta je v dobrom slova zmysle nevyspytateľná, obsadila v 3.rozbehu postupové V behu na 60m slovák časom 6.80.[Coach Marcel Lopuchovský was also satisfied: he doesn't solve anything, he can only concentrate on the run itself. He also has a toothache, a Czech masseur helped us, everything worked out. I am satisfied. The plan, including the preparation in California, was a good idea." Iveta Putalová "Iveta is inscrutable in a good sense of the word, she won the 60m relay in the 3rd heat with a time of 6.80.]
Spokojný bol aj tréner Marcel Lopuchovský: nič nerieši, dokáže sa koncentrovať len na samotný beh. Má aj bolesti zubov, pomohol nám český masér, všetko vyšlo. Som spokojný. Plán, vrátane prípravy v Kalifornii, bol dobrý nápad." Iveta Putalová "Iveta je v dobrom slova zmysle nevyspytateľná, obsadila v 3.rozbehu postupové V behu na 60m slovák časom 6.80.[Coach Marcel Lopuchovský was also satisfied: he doesn't solve anything, he can only concentrate on the run itself. He also has a toothache, a Czech masseur helped us, everything worked out. I am satisfied. The plan, including the preparation in California, was a good idea." Iveta Putalová "Iveta is inscrutable in a good sense of the word, she won the 60m relay in the 3rd heat with a time of 6.80.]