Istvan Deak claims in his letter that "virtually no Czech and Slovak statesman has apologized for the highly efficient 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question' in the two states" and "blaming János Esterházy will not solve the Slovak historical dilemma". However, the Slovak National Council and the Slovak Government published common declaration related to this topic already on December 20, 1990 (13 years before his letter) during the same year as the first democratic elections occurred after collapse of communism. (Declaration of The Slovak National Council and Government of the Slovak Republic about deportation of Jews). "Non existing" (according to Istvan Deak) apologize for expulsion of German minority was approved by The Slovak National Council on February 12, 1991. (Declaration of The Slovak National Council about expulsion of Germans). On the Czech side, this topic is covered by Article No. III of the Czech-German declaration about mutual relationships and their future development (Czech-German declaration about mutual relationships and their future development) Istvan Deak criticizes that Esterhazy was "sentenced by the Czechoslovak court for having endangered the existence of Czechoslovakia, but between 1939 and 1945 there was no Czechoslovakia". On the contrary, Retribution Act No. 33/1945 Col. of Slovak National Council explicitly contains declaration that crimes are not bound to period referenced by Istvan Deak (§1 a), §2 a) and b)).
Istvan Deak claims in his letter that "virtually no Czech and Slovak statesman has apologized for the highly efficient 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question' in the two states" and "blaming János Esterházy will not solve the Slovak historical dilemma". However, the Slovak National Council and the Slovak Government published common declaration related to this topic already on December 20, 1990 (13 years before his letter) during the same year as the first democratic elections occurred after collapse of communism. (Declaration of The Slovak National Council and Government of the Slovak Republic about deportation of Jews). "Non existing" (according to Istvan Deak) apologize for expulsion of German minority was approved by The Slovak National Council on February 12, 1991. (Declaration of The Slovak National Council about expulsion of Germans). On the Czech side, this topic is covered by Article No. III of the Czech-German declaration about mutual relationships and their future development (Czech-German declaration about mutual relationships and their future development) Istvan Deak criticizes that Esterhazy was "sentenced by the Czechoslovak court for having endangered the existence of Czechoslovakia, but between 1939 and 1945 there was no Czechoslovakia". On the contrary, Retribution Act No. 33/1945 Col. of Slovak National Council explicitly contains declaration that crimes are not bound to period referenced by Istvan Deak (§1 a), §2 a) and b)).
Deák 2011, p. 15. Deák, Ladislav (2011). "MOLNÁR, I. (zost.): Omilostený na smrť. Dokumenty utrpenia Jánosa Esterházyho na základe záznamov Márie Esterházy-Mycielskej. Budapešť 2010, 193 s". Pamäť Národa (in Slovak). 2. ISSN1336-6297.
Mitáč 2010, p. 7. Mitáč, Mitáč (2010). "Strana Slovenskej národnej jednoty na okupovanom území južného Slovenska v rokoch 1941 - 1944". Pamäť Národa (in Slovak). 3. ISSN1336-6297.
Mitáč 2010, p. 17. Mitáč, Mitáč (2010). "Strana Slovenskej národnej jednoty na okupovanom území južného Slovenska v rokoch 1941 - 1944". Pamäť Národa (in Slovak). 3. ISSN1336-6297.
Deák 2011, p. 110. Deák, Ladislav (2011). "MOLNÁR, I. (zost.): Omilostený na smrť. Dokumenty utrpenia Jánosa Esterházyho na základe záznamov Márie Esterházy-Mycielskej. Budapešť 2010, 193 s". Pamäť Národa (in Slovak). 2. ISSN1336-6297.