Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jackie Siegel" in English language version.
…Jackie, the 1993 winner of the Mrs Florida America beauty pageant...
Jonquil speaks really eloquently to that; she's the adoptive niece who comes from poverty and Jackie takes her in.
But let's get back to Jacqueline, "Jackie" to her friends. She wasn't born rich. She came from a modest family and grew up in Binghamton, New York….Working her way through college, she graduated with a computer engineering degree. She has worked at IBM and was even a model in New York, but moved to Florida to compete in the Mrs. Florida pageant, which she won.
10 P.M. (ABC) Celebrity Wife Swap Jeremy London, a television actor who was a regular on "7th Heaven," and his wife, Juliet Reeves, exchange partners with the Orlando-based time-share billionaire David Siegel and his wife, Jackie Siegel, who was featured in the documentary "The Queen of Versailles." All parties struggle to adjust.
As a girl growing up in a middle-class family in Binghamton, N.Y., Jacqueline's dreams were relatively ordinary. She would study computer engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology; build a career in business; then marry, have a baby and settle down. Instead, after college and a few months cooped up in a windowless IBM office, she signed on with a New York modeling agency and traveled the world posing for lingerie and liquor ads.
"Queen of Versailles" star Jackie Siegel and her husband, time-share mogul David Siegel, will be featured on "Celebrity Wife Swap," ABC has confirmed.
Jackie Siegel is a happily married mother of eight, pageant winner and multimillionaire who's building the largest mansion in America, as seen in the acclaimed 2012 documentary The Queen of Versailles.
Jackie is David's third spouse, but she's not the typical trophy wife. She grew up in Binghamton, N.Y., studied engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, worked as a model, married, divorced and met Mr. Siegel.
You don't know she was smart at the beginning of the movie and then you find out she has an engineering degree from R.I.T. and these are choices she made. At the beginning, you don't know if she married David for love or money, then you see that it's love.
But let's get back to Jacqueline, "Jackie" to her friends. She wasn't born rich. She came from a modest family and grew up in Binghamton, New York….Working her way through college, she graduated with a computer engineering degree. She has worked at IBM and was even a model in New York, but moved to Florida to compete in the Mrs. Florida pageant, which she won.