Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Japanese pronouns" in English language version.
母の性格は吾々が昔から用ひ慣れた慈母といふ言葉で形容さへすれば、夫で盡さてゐる。僕から見ると彼女は此二字の爲に生れて此二字の爲に死ぬと云つても差支ない。まことに氣の毒であるが、夫でも母は生活の滿足を此一點にのみ集注してゐるのだから、僕さへ充分の孝行が出來れば、是に越した彼女の喜びはないのである。[My mother’s character can be described most easily as that of an affectionate mother. From my point of view, she is certainly a woman who was born for the sake of those two words and who will die for them. Actually, that makes me feel sorry for her, yet since her one satisfaction in life is concentrated on this one point, I realize that as long as I do what I should as a good son, she’ll find no greater delight than that.]
所が今後から見た女は身體といひ氣分といひ比較的沈靜して兩方の間に旨く調子が取れてゐる樣に思はれた。彼女は先刻と違つて、別段姿勢を改めるでもなく、そろ〱步き出すでもなく、寶石商の窓へ寄り添ふでもなく、寒さを凌ぎかねる風情もなく、殆んど閑雅とでも形容したい樣子をして、一段高くなつた人道の端に立てゐた。[Yet observed from behind, her body and mood were well balanced, both being quieter now than they had been before. Unlike a short while ago, she now gave no indication that she was going to begin to walk slowly away or stand up against a shop window, nor did she show any sign of being chilled, standing as she was at the edge of the elevated pavement in a way that could only be described as elegant.]