Jasper Tudor (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jasper Tudor" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
7,957th place
5,627th place
2,304th place
1,913th place
2nd place
2nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
6,425th place
3,896th place
6,474th place
4,099th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
6th place
6th place
459th place
360th place
27th place
51st place



  • Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties in 1530 by Thomas Tonge, Norroy King of Arms (1836); online at [1]; section on 'The Monasterie of Tynmouth' (pp 35–6 in the 1836 publication). This states that the Prior "whose name ys GARDENER ... ys descended of the noble Queen Kateryn, wyfe of Kyng Henry the vith ... For the said Quene Kateryne was after maryed to Owayn Teddur, by whom he had yssue ... Jasper Duc of Bedford. Whiche Jasper begat a bastard doughter called Ellen, maryed Willyam Gardener, who was father to my said Lord Priour". The record adds: "Be it noted that the said PRIOUR OF TYNMOUTH, hath given unto me, Norrey King of Arms of the North parties, this pedigre and armes of his awne reporte, which he woll offerme at all tymes to verefy and approve before the Kynge and his Counsaill, that this pedigre is true and the armes also."










  • "Iasper of Hatfeild Earl of Pembroke and Duke of Bedford", in William Dugdale's Baronage of England (1675–6) vol iii p. 241 at 242, online at [2] retrieved 15 February 2018.





  • See, for example: Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerages of England, Ireland and Scotland (1831) at pp 524–5; Archbold, W.A.J. "Tudor, Jasper" . Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 57. pp. 288–290. : "[Jasper Tudor] ... left an illegitimate daughter, Helen, who is said to have married William Gardiner, and to have been the mother of Stephen Gardiner [q.v.]"; G.E.Cokayne's The Complete Peerage, First edition (1887–1898), 2nd revised edition ed by V. Gibbs, vol ii (1912) at p. 73 n. (d): "Helen, his illegit. da. m. William Gardiner, citizen of London, and was mother of Stephen, the celebrated Bishop of Winchester".