Jean-Marie Calès (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jean-Marie Calès" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
6th place
6th place
3rd place
3rd place
124th place
544th place
low place
low place
1,501st place
2,959th place
low place
low place
27th place
51st place
179th place
183rd place
5,836th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • Vitry, Paul; Musée des beaux-arts d'Orléans (1922). Le Musée d'Orleans. Getty Research Institute. Paris : H. Laurens.
  • Camille Rousset (1892). Les volontaires, 1791-1794 [i.e. dix-sept cent quatre-vingt-onze à dix-sept ... University of California. Perrin, libraires-éditeurs.
  • « Rapport fait au nom de la commission chargée de l'examen des papiers trouvés chez Robespierre et ses complices » by E. B. Courtois, deputy of the department of Aube, In the session of 16 Nivôse Year III (5 January 1795) of the French Republic, one and indivisible. Printed by order of the National Convention. Public domain. Available on the website of :
  • See the « List of names and addresses of individuals convicted or warned to have taken part in the conspiracy of the infamous Robespierre » signed by Guffroy (president of the commission), Espert, Courtois and Calés, 29 Fructidor, Year II. From the Imprimerie de la rue de Chartres, No 68. Available on
  • « In the hamlet of les Bordes, is another old castle, belonging to Mr. Calès, mayor of the place. The soil is in arable land, meadows and woods. Mr. Calès and the farmer of a farm known as Champ-Houdry, maintain each a herd of merinos, of pure race; that of the farmer is very large » in « Dictionnaire topographique des Environs de Paris, jusqu'à 20 Lieues à la ronde de cette Capitale », by Charles Oudiette, (1817), Paris. Chapter: "Celle-les-Bordes (la)", pages 120–121. Read online on the website of
  • F. Bidlot (from Liège) in « The medical chronicle, journal of scientific, literary and anecdotal medicine » (1903), Chapter « A conventional doctor: J.-M. Calès », page 346. Available in French online on the website
  • The extract from the following letter (sent from Liège on 21 October 1833 addressed by Calès to one of his nephews, Godefroy Calès, then also doctor in Villefranche-de-Lauragais, and future Republican representative in 1848) gives an interesting piece of information about the life he lived in Liège. One can see that the former member of the Convention had not, like so many of his colleagues, repudiated his democratic principles. « To Monsieur Calès, doctor of medicine, in Villefranche-de-Lauragais, through Toulouse, France. My dear friend. Your letter, full of wit and sparkling with gaiety, gives me the greatest pleasure; you remind me of the mischievousnesses of my youth, of which I do not repent; they made me laugh before, why should they make me cry now? I shall never forget that they made me bear without difficulty the misery, which continually heaped on me, that they have softened the bitterness which the exercise of medicine entails with it, a divine art in itself, yet detestable for him who exercises it. The uneducated public, the ignorant confreres, jealous and envious, give a thousand disgusts to the educated practitioner; I know that we can gain by it over all of that; but we feel some anguish, which we bear with difficulty. You tell me that a nobleman has vexed you because you were my parents: that does not astonish me from him; it is a caste so low, so ill-educated, that one can expect of it only the fruits of ignorance and prejudice. I am sure that the idiot who vexed you, if he lost his place, is as flat today as he was arrogant then. I have seen nobles of another flock, such as the Bethune-Sully, the Lagrange, the Nivernais, the Rohan, honoring themselves to be as sentinels at my door, and lavishing upon me the testimonies of the most adulatory sentiments, down to baseness. I’m citing this to prove you that these nobles have no nobility and, as long as this caste will exist, it will be the misfortune of France. I do not wish it to be annihilated, but I would have it put into the inability to harm. Here is my position in Liège. After living in Munich and Basel, in Switzerland, I came to Liège fifteen years ago. The police commissioner Wassin confused me with my brother Chrysostôme [Jean-Chrysostôme Calès, A.N.], with whom he had served, and proposed me to remain at Liège. The plan of the Bourbons was to push us until Siberia, and a safe asylum was, then, a treasure. I found it here. I first occupied myself to make theses for the candidates in medicine, which produced me twelve hundred francs a year. Soon after, a few cures, which made a certain noise, attracted to me a prodigious number of patients, but because I was not a Belgian doctor, I decided to give consultations at my house and I refused to go to see the patients, excepted only if I would be called in consultation by doctors, what happens sometimes. There are no important people who had not come to me yet, and the public has followed their example, which has given me some consideration. As I helped and pleased a lot of people, everyone tries to help me. Everything I do is free; a sober life puts me above any need and with a small income I look like a rich man. Embrace for me my sisters. The eldest [Marie-Étiennette Pujol, born Calès, A.N.] first had the courage to write to me before the end of my exile. I am grateful to her. Justine [Marie-Justine Pujol, born Calès, A.N.], whom I left as a child, always had my friendship. I thank you for giving me news of her. [...] All yours. Calès. A thousand greetings to your wife [Léonie-Alphonsine-Zulmée Calès, born Metgé, A.N.], of which you do not speak and to your little boy [Jean-Jules-Godefroy Calès, born in 1828, then 5 years-old in 1833. A.N.]. » (in « La Révolution Française », Historical review directed by Auguste Dide, Tome X, January–June 1886, Paris, Charavray frères, editors. Available (in French) on the site of, p740-743:

  • When the Palais Bourbon, owned by the Condé, assembled in the domain of the State in 1790, was, by virtue of a decree of the second day, Year III, allocated to the meetings of the Council of Five Hundred, the name of the president F. VILLERS was engraved on the octagonal silver medal which the architects Gisors and Lecomte placed under the marble of the tribune of the orators with other objects, in particular with a copper plate bearing: « The Council of Five Hundred in its second session, on Brumaire 26, Year VI of the French Republic, had this inscription engraved under the presidency of the Citizen Villers and under the leadership of the Citizens of the Commission of Inspectors Talot, Jacomin, Martinel, Laa and Calès, to celebrate the making of this building. » (See the note on François Toussaint VILLERS on the website of the National Assembly)

  • See « J.-Marie Calès, député de la Haute-Garonne, à ses collègues, sur les calomnies que quatre à cinq intriguans répandent contre lui, au nom d'une société populaire ». Paris : impr. de Guérin, (s. d.). Notice n° : FRBNF30186512
  • See the « Motion d'ordre par Calès sur le costume des représentants du peuple. Séance du 27 fructidor an V ». Corps législatif. Conseil des Cinq-Cents. Impr. nationale, an V. Notice n° : FRBNF30186519
  • See the « Rapport fait par J.-M. Calès,... au nom de la Commission d'instruction publique, sur les écoles spéciales de santé. Séance du 12 prairial an V ». Corps législatif. Conseil des Cinq-Cents. Paris : Impr. nationale, an V. Notice n° : FRBNF30186518
  • See the « Opinion de J.-M. Calès sur les écoles de médecine. Séance du 17 germinal an VI ». Corps législatif. Conseil des Cinq-Cents. Paris : Impr. nationale, an VI. Notice n° : FRBNF30186522
  • See the « Discours de Calès sur l'École polytechnique. Séance du 24 nivôse an VI » Corps législatif. Conseil des Cinq-Cents. Paris : Impr. nationale, an VI. Notice n° : FRBNF30186520

  • « J.-M. Calès, to the Convention, From the camp of Ivoy, 5 August 1793, Year II of the Republic. » « Citizens my colleagues, you have decreed that Marie-Antoinette would be sent to the Revolutionary Tribunal and I was unfortunate enough to be absent when you issued this decree. I ask you to receive my adhesion as a proof of my horror for tyrants and of my contempt for the threats of those who defend their cause. Signed: Calès, Representative of the people at the army of the Ardennes. PS: I ask the Convention to read to the public my adhesion and to record it in the minutes. » in Parliamentary Archives, Volume 70: From 30 July to 9 August 1793, Session of Thursday 8 August 1793, in the morning, page 508. Available in French on the website of Stanford University:[permanent dead link]

  • 1/ To the army of the Ardennes, with Massieu and Perrin, by the decree of 17 June 1793, to replace Deville, Hentz, Laporte and Milhaud (IV-589). Mission confirmed by the decree of 19 July 1793 (V-300-302). Recall by the decree of 19 October 1793, which appoints to their place Bo, Coupé and Hentz (VII-502). He still writes from Sedan on Brumaire 2, Year II (23 October 1793) (VII-588-589). 2/ In the department of Côte-d'Or, by the decree of Vendemiaire 18, Year III (9 October 1794), to purge the authorities (XVII-328). He received from the Committee of Inspectors of the Chamber 6,000 pounds for mission expenses on Vendemiaire 19, Year III (10 October 1794) (AN, D * XXXVc 8). He still writes on Frimaire 8, Year III (28 November 1794) (without place) (XVIII-414). 3/ In Besançon (Doubs) and neighboring departments, by the decree of Nivose 5, Year III (25 December 1794), to develop industry (XIX-88). He writes on Nivose 8, Year III (28 December 1794) that his mission in Côte-d'Or will end on Nivose 20 (XIX-145), then he writes on Nivose 12, Year III (1 January 1795) to announce that he received the decree of the 5th and will go to Besancon (XIX-221-222). He writes from Besancon on Pluviose 1st, Year III (20 January 1795) (XIX-591-592). From: Missionnaires de la République (annexes) : tableau des représentants en mission département par département et tableau des représentants en mission auprès des différentes armées de la République / Cartes des missions (Réalisation : Corédoc ©) / Michel Biard, GRHis – Normandie Université [archive]

  • Details of the vote of the Citizen Jean-Marie Calès available on the french Wikipédia page: Votes sur la mort de Louis XVI. Answers: 1° "YES" to « Is Louis Capet guilty of conspiracy against public liberty and guilty of attacks against the general security of the State, yes or no? » 2° "NO" to « Will the judgment of the National Convention against Louis Capet be submitted to People's ratification, yes or no? » 3° "DEATH" to « What punishment will be inflicted on Louis ? » 4° "NO" to « Will there be a stay to the execution of the judgment of Louis Capet ? »
  • « Rapport fait au nom de la commission chargée de l'examen des papiers trouvés chez Robespierre et ses complices » by E. B. Courtois, deputy of the department of Aube, In the session of 16 Nivôse Year III (5 January 1795) of the French Republic, one and indivisible. Printed by order of the National Convention. Public domain. Available on the website of :