Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jesus and the woman taken in adultery" in English language version.
This is why the adulterous woman, whom the Law prescribed to be stoned, was set free by Him with truth and grace, when the avengers of the Law, frightened with the state of their own conscience, had left the trembling guilty woman . . . . He, bowing down . . . 'wrote with His finger on the ground,' in order to repeal the Law of the commandments with the decree of His grace
9月20日我社收到省民宗委消息,一本自称电子科技大学出版社出版的教材《职业道德与法律》,其中的宗教内容误导读者,伤害基督信众感情,造成了恶劣影响。得知情况后,我社高度重视,立即组织人员进行认真核查。经核查,我社正式出版的《职业道德与法律》(ISBN 978-7-5647-5606-2,主编:潘中梅,李刚,胥宝宇)一书,与该"教材"的封面不同、体例不同,书中也没有涉及上述宗教内容。经我社鉴定,该"教材"是一本盗用我社社名、书号的非法出版物。为维护广大读者的利益和我社的合法权益,我社已向当地公安机关报案,并向当地"扫黄打非"办公室进行举报。凡未经我社授权擅自印制、发行或无法说明图书正当来源的行为,我社将依法追究相关机构和个人的法律责任。对提供侵权行为线索的人员,一经查实,我社将予以奖励。
[Papias] relates another story of a woman, who was accused of many sins before the Lord, which is contained in the Gospel according to the Hebrews.