Jesus predicts his death (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jesus predicts his death" in English language version.

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3,226th place
2,297th place
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5,051st place
3,281st place
1,687th place
1,074th place
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low place

  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Son of Man The rendering for the Hebrew "ben adam", applied to mankind in general, as opposed to and distinct from non-human relationship; expressing also the larger, unlimited implications of humanity as differentiated from limited (e.g., national) forms and aspects of human life...The New Testament expression ὅ ὑιὸς τοῦ ἀνθρόπου is a translation of the Aramaic "bar nasha", and as such could have been understood only as the substitute for a personal pronoun, or as emphasizing the human qualities of those to whom it is applied..."Sons of men", or "children of men", designates also the slanderers and evil-doers in contrast to the righteous, that is, Israel (Ps. lvii. 5 [A. V. 4], lviii. 2 [A. V. 1]).
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Messiah The Messiah is called "the Son of Man," and is described as an angelic being, his countenance resembling a man's, and as occupying a seat in heaven beside the Ancient of Days (xlvi. 1), or, as it is expressed in ch. xxxix. 7, "under the wings of the Lord of spirits."...In the Assumptio Mosis, however (c. 4 B.C.), it may be concluded, on the ground of the identification of the Son of Man = Messiah with Enoch = Meṭaṭron in Enoch lxxi. 14, that it is the preexistent Messiah who is referred to (x. 2), for it is stated that, at the end of the last tribulation, when God's dominion will be established over all creation, "the hands of the angel who stands in the highest place will be filled, and he will immediately avenge them [Israel] on their enemies."
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Sanhedrin Antiochus V. also greeted the gerusia in a letter to the Jewish people. This gerusia, which stood at the head of the people, was the body that was subsequently called "sanhedrin." The date and the manner of its origin can not now be determined. Josephus calls it either συνέδριον or βουλή, and its members πρεσβΎτεροι (="elders," i.e., ) or βουλευταί (="councilors"), whose number was probably the same as that of the members of the Sanhedrin in the hall of hewn stone, namely, seventy or seventy-one.
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Priest Besides the "chief priest" ("kohen ha-rosh") mention is made of the "kohen mishnch," the one holding the second place (II Kings xxv. 18 et al.).
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Scribe Body of teachers whose office was to interpret the Law to the people, their organization beginning with Ezra, who was their chief, and terminating with Simeon the Just.
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Education The men thus engaged are designated as V05p043011.jpg or V05p043012.jpg, i.e., expounders of the Torah. Here for the first time in Jewish history is an organized body of teachers. The Prophets had been replaced by the priests; these in turn were succeeded by the scribes, "the wise" (comp. B. B. 12a, V05p043013.jpg). The latter are described in Dan. xii. 3 as the teachers, V05p043014.jpg; "they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." The Talmud refers the second clause to the teachers.
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Crucifixion Among the modes of Capital Punishment known to the Jewish penal law, crucifixion is not found; the "hanging" of criminals "on a tree," mentioned in Deut. xxi. 22, was resorted to in New Testament times only after lapidation (Sanh. vi. 4; Sifre, ii. 221, ed. Friedmann, Vienna, 1864).

  • USCCB John 18:19-24 The high priest questioned Jesus...Then Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.