Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jinning, Kinmen" in English language version.
Guning Vil. Anmei Vil. Houpan Vil. Hupu Vil. Banglin Vil. Panshan Vil.
古寧村 安美村 后盤村 湖埔村 榜林村 盤山村
Guning Village{...}Guningtou Cliff and Public Announcement Station ─ The cliff is located in the northwest coast of Guningtou with reddish-yellow soil. After the shocking battle that started in the beach and ended in Guningtou Cliff in 1949, Taiwan's national forces built a PA station here in order to keep up the soldiers' morale. The large speakers still stand today, and this beach is a good spot for fishing and swimming.{...}Anmei Village{...}Houpan Village{...}Hupu Village{...}Panshan Village{...}Banglin Village{...}
Chinning Township Public health center Address: No. 1, Renai New Village, Chinning Township, Kinmen County
行政區 面積(單位:平方公里){...}金寧鄉 29.8540
President Ma explained the reason for building a bridge linking Kinmen and Lieyu (Little Kinmen) as follows: With the resident population of Lieyu Township being only between 2000-3000, transportation is not the primary reason. With what the central government most concerned is Kinmen's status in the overall cross-strait relation and its competition with Xiamen. He believed that with the completion of the construction, Kinmen Bridge will become a marvelous tourist landmark in Kinmem [sic]. 馬總統說,烈嶼鄉的常住人口不過兩、三千人,蓋橋除了考量大、小金門的交通,最主要是看重金門在整個兩岸關係的地位,以及未來面對廈門的競爭。他相信,金門大橋的興建,將成為金門觀光的絕佳地標。
Probable tidal flats Ku-ning-t'ou 古寧頭 Pang-lin