Joan Bardina Castarà (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Joan Bardina Castarà" in English language version.

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  • the last one identified is La cocina casera (Barcelona 1941), compare antiquamarilda service, available here

  • founded in 1984 by Agustí Chalaux i de Subirà and Lluís Maria Xirinacs; its declared objectives are fighting “bribery, corruption, poverty, budget shortages and abuse of power”, see the official Institute website, available here

  • as "Dra. Fanny" Bardina published Cómo dabo compromarme en Sociedad (Barcelona 1917), Repostería y confitería caseras (Barcelona 1917), La cocina casera (Barcelona 1917), El medico en casa (Barcelona 1918; prologued by Dr. Saimbraum, who wrote: “Si algún libro merece el calificativo de indispensable, lector amigo, es sin duda alguna este que me complazco en presentarte. Conservar la salud y recuperarla cuando la hemos perdido ¿no es la primera y la más legitima de las aspiraciones?... Libros como éste hacen mucha falta en España y deben estar en todas las manos”, La Unión Ilustrada 09.11.24, available here), Bebidas caseras (Barcelona 1940). As "Dr. Saimbraum" Bardina published Gimnasia de las profesiones (Barcelona 1911), Salud, fuerza y belleza por medio de la Gimnasia Sueca (Barcelona 1912), Teoría y práctica de la gymnasia respiratoria (Barcelona 1912, with numerous re-editions), Los hijos bien educados. Guía practica para la educación de los niños en la familia (Barcelona 1918), Metodo de defenderse en la calle sin armas. Lecciones populares de boxeo, lucha grecoromana, jiu-jitsu (Barcelona 1921), Higiena popular (Barcelona 1921), Tratado popular de medicina. Redactado por un cuerpo de reputados medicos e higienistas (Barcelona 1935). It seems that he has even written anonymous articles, referring to “methods of doctor Saimbraum, see Madrid Sport 18.07.18, available here
  • La Hormiga de Oro 22.07.26, available here

  • in somewhat archaic Catalan "lo mestre titas" (according to another orthographic version also “lo mestre tites”) means "master of the hens". It was a proverbial reference to a helpful but poor teacher, whose educational premises were used also for breeding chicken, see elnasdecardedeu service, available here. The director was Juan Maria Roma, Canal 2005, p. 69

  • Mario Alegría Alegría, Recuerdos de un almuno de Don Juan Bardina y Castara, [in:] Crónicas de Valparaíso, 12.04.05, available here

  • María Natividad Jiménez Serradilla, L’Escola Nova Catalana i Joan Bardina, [in:] epedagogia service, available here, p. 16

  • Forés i Miravelles 1996, p. 241; he was perceived as “infatigable difusor de la doctrina Social Católica”, see comments on him in a Chilean periodical Lux in 1938, referred at estudiobardina website, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • he has long abandoned earlier monarchism, turning not only a republican, but also supporter of universal suffrage, including the feminine vote, compare his comments on the Spanish republican constitution, La Semana Internacional 16.04.34, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • Bardina viewed the Spanish Civil War as a social conflict, though his view was from orthodox. According to him, the Republicans offered unworkable recipes of false democracy, while the Nationalists sought a holistic solution; "El general Franco, en dos de sus discursos, ha esbozado un excelente programa de gobierno, cuya mitad ya quisiéramos ver realizado. Con ello bastaría para salvar a España", La Semana Internacional 24.10.36, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • " la juventud falangista de Badajoz publicaba un programa que verá la luz en estas columnas. En él se atacaba fuertemente al capitalismo individualista y se decía que era necesario acercar la propiedad privada a todos., dando al campesino su propia tierra", La Semana Internacional 24.10.36, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • La Semana Internacional 27.05.39, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine; Bardina claimed that Franco confused “unidad” with “uniformidad”, La Semana Internacional 24.06.39, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • “Quien esto escribe no es hitlerista. Y siente por Hitler una profunda simpatía y por su régimen –que es de transición- un gran respeto”, La Semana Internacional 06.02.37, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • see e.g. his opinion on Hitler, written in May 1945, La Semana Internacional 12.05.45, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • e.g. in 1945 he considered monarchic claims of Don Juan merely a vehicle of pursuing imperialist British interests, “los reyes son los brazos desnacionalizantes de Gran Bretaña, tanto en Grecia y Yugoslavia como en España. Son rebrotes afrancesados cuya nacionalización no se ha realizado todavía. Un Bobón es un impermeable”, and criticised Franco for his complacency versus Britain, La Semana Internacional 28.07.45, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • “claro está que esta Libertad y Democracia, aunque lleven Mayúscula, han de caer irremisiblemente bajo el desprecio de los pueblos, antes que nadie de los pueblos francés y británico”. According to Bardina, Hitler was an icon of democracy as “en ese movimiento liberador del pueblo alemán, a nombre de la democracia y autodeterminación de los pueblos, Adolfo Hitler ha tenido papel tan descollante, que nadie estaría en razón si no colocase a ese hombre en la cumbre de los que actúan en estos instantes”, La Semana Internacional 20.04.40, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • Poland was presented as imperialist country, with its raison d’etre oppressing other nations, which in 1939 fell victim to its own imperialism, La Semana Internacional 02.09.39, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • though not entirely, compare Precisiones sobre el ideario político, social y económico, an analysis by Estudis Bardina, available here Archived 2017-03-13 at the Wayback Machine
  • a dilettante in many fields he wrote about, throughout all his life Bardina wrote as an expert; under a pen-name he wrote recommendations for another of his pen-names, and under this one to write prologues to works written also by himself, but under one more pen-name. At least some of his works contain entirely erroneous claims, compare his discussion on history of the Spanish national flag, written in 1936 for the Latin American audience, La Semana Internacional 24.10.36, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine

  • she was the nominal author of Historia Sagrada Educativa, fathered probably (at least partially) by Prat de la Riba, issued 1906, El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here; Bardina wrote a prologue to the book
  • El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here
  • El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here
  • El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here
  • the school was referred to as “seminario de maestros nacionalistas, El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here; its purpose was “per a la recuperació i regeneració de la personalitat catalana, el camp de l'educació era molt més operatiu que el politic”, Jiménez Serradilla, p. 17
  • e.g. he was appointed member of a jury reviewing application for grants, Forés i Miravelles 1996, p. 15; in 1908 he was to become secretario of a planned Institución de Cultura Popular, El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here
  • El Presupuesto Extraordinario de Cultura y la Institución de Cultura Popular (1908) del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, [in:] service, available here

  • see the official college website, available here
  • see the official college website, available here

  • compare e.g. the graphics featuring hanged Restoration dignitaries, accompanied by “this is how 1900 should commence” title, Lo Mestre Titas 30.12.89, available here

  • see the official web page of the Seminario, available here

  • Forés i Miravelles 1996, p. 241; he was perceived as “infatigable difusor de la doctrina Social Católica”, see comments on him in a Chilean periodical Lux in 1938, referred at estudiobardina website, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • he has long abandoned earlier monarchism, turning not only a republican, but also supporter of universal suffrage, including the feminine vote, compare his comments on the Spanish republican constitution, La Semana Internacional 16.04.34, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • Bardina viewed the Spanish Civil War as a social conflict, though his view was from orthodox. According to him, the Republicans offered unworkable recipes of false democracy, while the Nationalists sought a holistic solution; "El general Franco, en dos de sus discursos, ha esbozado un excelente programa de gobierno, cuya mitad ya quisiéramos ver realizado. Con ello bastaría para salvar a España", La Semana Internacional 24.10.36, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • " la juventud falangista de Badajoz publicaba un programa que verá la luz en estas columnas. En él se atacaba fuertemente al capitalismo individualista y se decía que era necesario acercar la propiedad privada a todos., dando al campesino su propia tierra", La Semana Internacional 24.10.36, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • La Semana Internacional 27.05.39, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine; Bardina claimed that Franco confused “unidad” with “uniformidad”, La Semana Internacional 24.06.39, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • “Quien esto escribe no es hitlerista. Y siente por Hitler una profunda simpatía y por su régimen –que es de transición- un gran respeto”, La Semana Internacional 06.02.37, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • see e.g. his opinion on Hitler, written in May 1945, La Semana Internacional 12.05.45, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • e.g. in 1945 he considered monarchic claims of Don Juan merely a vehicle of pursuing imperialist British interests, “los reyes son los brazos desnacionalizantes de Gran Bretaña, tanto en Grecia y Yugoslavia como en España. Son rebrotes afrancesados cuya nacionalización no se ha realizado todavía. Un Bobón es un impermeable”, and criticised Franco for his complacency versus Britain, La Semana Internacional 28.07.45, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • “claro está que esta Libertad y Democracia, aunque lleven Mayúscula, han de caer irremisiblemente bajo el desprecio de los pueblos, antes que nadie de los pueblos francés y británico”. According to Bardina, Hitler was an icon of democracy as “en ese movimiento liberador del pueblo alemán, a nombre de la democracia y autodeterminación de los pueblos, Adolfo Hitler ha tenido papel tan descollante, que nadie estaría en razón si no colocase a ese hombre en la cumbre de los que actúan en estos instantes”, La Semana Internacional 20.04.40, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • Poland was presented as imperialist country, with its raison d’etre oppressing other nations, which in 1939 fell victim to its own imperialism, La Semana Internacional 02.09.39, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine
  • though not entirely, compare Precisiones sobre el ideario político, social y económico, an analysis by Estudis Bardina, available here Archived 2017-03-13 at the Wayback Machine
  • a dilettante in many fields he wrote about, throughout all his life Bardina wrote as an expert; under a pen-name he wrote recommendations for another of his pen-names, and under this one to write prologues to works written also by himself, but under one more pen-name. At least some of his works contain entirely erroneous claims, compare his discussion on history of the Spanish national flag, written in 1936 for the Latin American audience, La Semana Internacional 24.10.36, available here Archived 2017-03-12 at the Wayback Machine

  • Canal 1996, p. 63, Canal 2005, p. 70; The Catalanist manifiesto known as Bases de Manresa (1892) was, according to Bardina, copying 20-year-old manifestos of Carlos VII, Canal 2005, p. 76