Jogo do pau (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jogo do pau" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
2,161st place
2,535th place
5th place
5th place

  • d'Aça, Zacarias (1883). "Esgrima Nacional". Diário da Manhã. Portuguese: Há três escolas: A do Norte, chamada galega por ser oriunda da Galiza..., lit.'There are three schools: The North, called Galician for being from Galicia...'; Portuguese: Os seus professores foram os mais dextros que então havia em Lisboa - um d'elles era gallego, lit.'His teachers were the most highly-regarded in Lisbon at the time - one of them was Galician' (regarding the Galician master that taught José Maria da Silveira, the founder of the Lisbon school of jogo do pau in the 19th century)

  • Duarte, King of Portugal (2011). Livro da ensinança de bem cavalgar toda sela [The art of riding on every saddle]. Translated by Preto, António Franco; Preto, Luis. Createspace. ISBN 9781461106616. OCLC 794305428.