J. Strype, The Life of the Learned Sir John Cheke, Kt. (original 1705), New Edition, corrected by the Author (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1821) [1].
'Cheeke', in W.C.
Metcalfe (ed.), The Visitations of Essex in 1552, 1558, 1570, 1612 and 1634, 2 Vols, Harleian Society XIII-XIV (1878–79), I (1634 Mundy Visitation, addition in MS), pp. 176-77. Also 'Cheeke' in W.H. Rylands (ed.), Pedigrees from the Visitation of Hampshire 1530, with additions from 1575, 1622 and 1634, Harleian Society LXIV (1913), pp. 53–54 (at p. 54), from Harley MS 1544, Fols. 51b, 52.
C.H. Cooper & T. Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses, I: 1500–1585 (Deighton, Bell & Co/Macmillan & Co, Cambridge 1858), pp. 166-170.
J. Venn and J.A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I.i (Cambridge University Press, 1922), p. 328.
J. Strype, The Life of the Learned Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., D.C.L., New Edition with corrections and additions by the author (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1820), pp. 8-9.
Strype, The Life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, pp. 8-14.
For Ascham's letters to Cheke, see J.A. Giles, The Whole Works of Roger Ascham, Vol. I Part I: Life, &c., and Letters (John Russell Smith, London 1865), passim.
Strype, The Life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, p. 13 (Internet Archive).
Strype, The Life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, p. 18 (Internet Archive).
'Day, George', in Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses, I.ii (Cambridge University Press, 1922) p. 22.
Strype, Life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, pp. 10-14.
J. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials: Relating Chiefly to Religion and the Reformation of it, 3 Vols (John Wyat, London 1721), I, Appendix of records and originals, No. CXVI, pp. 326-27.
R. Ascham, 'Toxophilus, the Schole of Shootinge contayned in two bookes' (orig. In aedibus Edouardi Whytchurch, London 1545), in W.A. Wright (ed.), Roger Ascham: English Works (Cambridge University Press 1904), pp. vii-xx, 1-119, at pp. 45-46.
E. Powell (ed.), The Travels and Life of Sir Thomas Hoby, Kt., of Bisham Abbey, written by himself. 1547–1564 (Royal Historical Society, London 1902), pp. x-xi.
Cheke told Girolamo Cardano he was selected on 10 June (see below), but he commenced in July: J.G. Nichols, 'Biographical Memoir of King Edward the Sixth', in Literary Remains of King Edward the Sixth, Roxburghe Club (J.B. Nichols and Son, London 1857), I, p. xxxix.
'Bill, William', Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I.i, p. 151.
Strype, Life of the learned Sir John Cheke, p. 32 ff.
See Cheke's 'Confession', in P.F. Tytler, England under Edward VI and Mary, 2 vols (Richard Bentley, London 1839), I, pp. 154-55.
Strype, Life of the learned Sir John Cheke, pp. 37-38.
Nichols, Memoir of the Life of King Edward the Sixth, pp. xlix-xl.
F. Blomefield, 'Hundred of Giltcross: Rushworth', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, Vol. 1 (London, 1805), pp. 284-293, at pp. 289-90.
Strype, Life of the learned Sir John Cheke, pp. 48-53.
Strype, Life of the learned Sir John Cheke, pp. 54-56.
Nichols (ed.), The Diary of Henry Machyn, p. 10 & note p. 322.
Strype, The Life of the learned Sir John Cheke, pp. 69-86.
Cardano was returning from Edinburgh where he had attended John Hamilton, see H. Morley, Jerome Cardan. The Life of Girolamo Cardano, of Milan, physician, 2 vols (Chapman and Hall, London 1854), II, pp. 132-34 (Internet Archive).
'The Compendious Rehearsall of John Dee His Dutifull Declaracion', Chapter III, in J. Crossley (ed.), Autobiographical Tracts of Dr Dee Chetham Miscellanies (Chetham Society, 1851), p. 9. (Internet archive)
Strype's Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer, 3 Vols (Ecclesiastical History Society, Oxford 1854), III, Appendix to Book III, No. LXIX, p. 449.
Strype, Life of the learned Sir John Cheke, pp. 97-98.
John Ponet, A shorte treatise of politike pouuer: and of the true obedience which subiectes owe to kynges and other ciuile gouernours, with an exhortacion to all true naturall Englishe men, compyled by. D.I.P.B.R.W. (Heirs of W. Köpfel, Strasbourg 1556), quoted in Bernard et al., 'Cheke (Sir John)', at pp. 202-03. Ponet's account is repeated in Holland's Herωologia Anglica (1620), p. 54, and in Langbaine's The Life of Sir Iohn Cheeke.
T. Hoby, The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castillo, divided into four bookes, very necessary and profitable for yonge gentilmen and gentilwomen abiding in court, palaice, or place, done into Englyshe (Imprinted at London by William Seres, at the sign of the Hedgehogge, 1561). Letter in end matter.
J.G. Nichols (ed.), The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, Camden Society (London 1848), Original Series Vol. XLII, p. 151.
T. Fuller (ed. J.S. Brewer), The Church History of Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVIII, 6 Vols (Oxford University Press, 1845), IV, Book VIII, cap. 30-32, pp. 232–35, at p. 233.
R. Ascham, 'The Scholemaster' (orig. John Day, London 1570), in W.A. Wright (ed.), Roger Ascham: English Works (Cambridge University Press 1904), pp. 171-302,at p. 297. See also pp. 178-79, 192, 219, 275, 278-79, 281-86, 288-89, 297-301.
National Portrait Gallery ref NPG D2060. This portrait was published in the Herωologia Anglica of Henry Holland (printer), in 1620. Herωologia Anglica, hoc est, Clarissimorum et doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno Cristi M.D. usque ad presentem annum M.D.C.XX. Viuæ effigies, Vitæ, et elogia. Duobus tomis, Authore H. H., Anglo-Britanno. Impensis Crispini Passæi Calcographus [sic] et Jansoni Bibliopolæ Arnhemiensis.
Strype, Life of the Learned Sir John Cheke, pp. 138–39.
W. Oldys, The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, from his birth to his death on the scaffold (London 1740), p. 31.
G. Langbaine, 'The Life of Sir Iohn Cheeke'. A fuller list is given by Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses, I, pp. 168-70.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Cannon Hall Museum (Yorkshire). See at ART UK.
See J.F. McDiarmid, '"To content god quietlie": The Troubles of Sir John Cheke under Queen Mary', in V. Westbrook & E. Evendon (eds.), Catholic Renewal and Protestant Resistance in Marian England, Catholic Christendom 1300–1700 (Routledge, 2016). See notes at pp. 224 ff.
D. MacCulloch, Tudor Church Militant: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation (Penguin UK, 2017), at note 35.
T. Wright and H. Longueville Jones, Memorials of Cambridge. A Series of Views by J. Le Keux, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts, 2 Vols (Tilt & Bogue, London 1841), I, pp. 22-23.
Caelius Curio in his 1555 Epistola Nuncupatoria to Cheke's De Pronuntiatione Graecae, addressing Sir Anthony Cooke, wrote: "Vobis enim duobus Regis Eduardi pueritia, literis, moribus, religione instituenda tradita et commissa erat. Vos communibus votis, consilijs, industria, summae ac planae divinae spei Regem formabatis." (at sect. a 4).
J. Lamb, A Collection of Letters, Statutes and Other Documents Illustrative of the History of the University of Cambridge (John W. Parker, London 1838), pp. 109-20.
See Leland's appreciation of Cheke in his Encomia Illustrium Virorum, in T. Hearne (ed.), Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea (Editio altera) 6 vols. (Gul et Jo. Richardson, London 1770), V, p. 148.
Hieronymi Cardani in Ptolemaei Pelusiensis IIII De Astrorum Iudiciis libros commentaria: cum eiusdem De Genituris libro (Henrich Petri, Lugduni 1555). See Cardano's horoscope and commentary upon Cheke in the 1554 edition, pp. 420-422, and in the 1578 edition, pp. 619-22 of these works from the HenricPetrini printshop (in Latin).
MS Petyt 47, Fols. 316, 317: J.G. Nichols (ed.), The Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of Two Years of Queen Mary, Camden Society Vol. XLVIII (1850), pp. 89-91.
British Library MS. Harley 353, pp. 139 ff, Ralph Starkey's transcripts, in Nichols (ed.), The Chronicle of Queen Jane, pp. 11-12.
Nichols (ed.), The Chronicle of Queen Jane, p. 27.
C.H. Garrett, The Marian Exiles: A Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism (Cambridge University Press, 1938 reprinted 2010), pp. 344-46.
A. Overell, Italian reform and English Reformations, c. 1535-c.1585 (Ashgate Publishing, 2008), pp. 58-9.
Quoted from John Cheke's recantation, in J.P. Bernard, T. Birch, J. Lockman et al., 'Cheke (Sir John)', in A General Dictionary, Historical and Critical. A New and Accurate Translation of that of the Celebrated Mr Bayle New edition with corrections and additions (J. Bettenham, London 1736), Vol. IV, pp. 299-305, at pp. 302-03.
H. Ellis, Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Camden Society XXIII (John Bowyer Nichols & Son, London 1843), p. 19 (Google).
Third Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (By Command, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London 1872), Appendix: Papers of Sir Henry Bedingfield, p. 239 (head and foot of 1st col.).
W.D. Montague, Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne: Edited from the Papers at Kimbolton, 2 vols (Hurst and Blackett, London 1864), I, p. 3 (Google).
'Cheke, Sir John (1514-57)', in R. Strong, Tudor and Jacobean Portraits, 2 vols (HMSO/National Portrait Gallery, London 1969), I: Text, pp. 48-49; II: Plates, Plate 88, p. 275 (Google).
De Pronuntiatione Graecae potissimum linguae disputationes cum Stephano Vuintoniensi episcopo, septem contrariis epistolis comprehensae (N. Episcopium iuniorem, Basel 1555) digitized. Reprint ed. R.C. Alston, Collection of facsimile reprints, No. 2, Scholar Press (1968).
J. Goodwin (ed.), The Gospel according to St Matthew, and part of the first chapter of the Gospel according to St Mark, translated in to English from the Greek, by Sir Thomas Cheke (c. 1550) (William Pickering, London/J.J. and J. Deighton, Cambridge 1843). digitized
'Colleges: Rushworth', in W. Page (ed.), A History of the County of Norfolk, Vol. 2 (V.C.H., London 1906), pp. 458-60 (British History online, accessed 3 July 2017).
St. Johns's College, Cambridge, shelfmark Aa.4.48, see J. Harmer, 'Sir John Cheke's Greek Books', Centre for Material Texts (Cambridge, June 2010), website.
J.A. McDiarmid, 'John Cheke's Preface to "De Superstitione",' Journal of Ecclesiastical History Vol. 48 Issue 1, January 1997 (Cambridge University Press), pp. 100-120 (Cambridge Core).
'Portrait of Sir John Cheke (1514-1577) [sic], English School, circa 1550', View at Christie's/Online Only.
J.G. Nichols, 'Some additions to the biographies of Sir John Cheke and Sir Thomas Smith', Archaeologia XXXVIII, Part 1 (1860), pp. 98-127, at p. 114
J.G. Nichols, 'Some Additions to the biographies of Sir John Cheke and Sir Thomas Smith', Archaeologia XXXVIII, Part 1 (1860), pp. 98-127, at p. 100 (Hathi Trust). Nichols amends Strype's chronology.
Nichols, 'Some Additions to the biographies of Sir John Cheke and Sir Thomas Smith', p. 101.
Nichols, 'Some Additions to the biographies of Sir John Cheke and Sir Thomas Smith', pp. 104-05.
W.A. Copinger and H.B. Copinger, The manors of Suffolk; notes on their history and devolution (T.F. Unwin, London 1905) Vol. V, p. 191 (Hathi Trust), citing British Library Harley MS 606.
S.R. Johnson, 'Cheke, John (1514–57), of Cambridge and London', in S.T. Bindoff (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509–1558 (Secker & Warburg, 1982), History of Parliament online.
The Pirgo connection, although stated by P.W. Hasler, ('Cecil, Thomas (1542–1623), of Burghley House, Lincs. and Wimbledon, Surr.', in P.W. Hasler (ed.),
The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1558–1603 (from Boydell & Brewer, 1981), History of Parliament online) is not supported by other sources at this date.
J.H., 'Cheke, Henry (c.1548-86), of Elstow, Beds.; later of the Manor, York', in P.W. Hasler (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1558–1603 (Secker & Warburg 1981), History of Parliament online.
A. Thrush, 'Cheke, Sir Thomas (1570–1659), of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster and Pyrgo, Havering, Essex', in A. Thrush and J.P. Ferris (eds), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1604–1629 (Cambridge University Press, 2010), History of Parliament online.
John Foxe, The Acts and Monuments online, 1563 edition, Book IV, p. 941.
John Foxe, The Acts and Monuments online, 1563 edition, Book IV, at pp. 863-64.
John Foxe, The Acts and Monuments online, 1570 edition, Book X, pp. 1605-06.
John Foxe, The Actes and Monuments online, 1576 edition, Book XI, p. 1876.
National Portrait Gallery ref NPG D2060. This portrait was published in the Herωologia Anglica of Henry Holland (printer), in 1620. Herωologia Anglica, hoc est, Clarissimorum et doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno Cristi M.D. usque ad presentem annum M.D.C.XX. Viuæ effigies, Vitæ, et elogia. Duobus tomis, Authore H. H., Anglo-Britanno. Impensis Crispini Passæi Calcographus [sic] et Jansoni Bibliopolæ Arnhemiensis.
G. Langbaine, 'The Life of Sir Iohn Cheeke', in The True Subiect to the Rebell, or, The Hurt of Sedition, how Greivous it is to a Common-wealth, written by Sir Iohn Cheeke; whereunto is newly added by way of preface a briefe discourse of those times, as they may relate to the present, with the authors life (Leonard Lichfield, Oxford 1641), unpaginated front matter, quod.lib.umich.edu. Accessed 26 November 2022.
'Epistle... To the most excellent Prince', etc., The Rule of Reason, conteinyng the Arte of Logique, set forth in Englishe, by Thomas VVilson (Imprinted at London: By Richard Grafton, printer to the Kynges Maiestie, An. M.D.LI), Full text at Umich/eebo (open).
'To the right Honorable Sir William Cecill Knight', in T. Wilson, The Three Orations of Demosthenes Chiefe Orator among the Grecians (Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, 1570), Dedicatory preface (Umich/eebo).
T. Nash, 'To the Gentlemen Students of both Universities', in R. Greene, Menaphon. Camillas alarum to slumbering Euphues, in his melancholie cell at Silexedra (Thomas Orwin for Sampson Clarke, London 1589), Preface (Umich/eebo).