John Colenso (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "John Colenso" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
6th place
6th place
275th place
181st place
670th place
480th place
2,839th place
1,792nd place
121st place
142nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • Colenso 1865, pp. 19–. The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined (PDF). Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green. 1865.
    Part I: The Pentateuch Examined as an Historical Narrative (pp. 1–72).
    Part II: The Age and Authorship of the Pentateuch Considered (pp. 73–160).
    Part III: The Book of Deuteronomy (pp. 161–272).
    Part IV: The First Eleven Chapters of Genesis (pp. 273–356).
    Part V: The First Eleven Chapters of Genesis (continued) (pp. 357–428).

  • "Ecclesiastical: Protests Against Bishop Colenso", The (Hobart) Advertiser, (18 February 1863): reprinted from The Times, (18 December 1862), p. 3.
  • "We utterly refuse to recognise any such limit or distinction as that attempted to be drawn by those who, while denying the leading facts of the Pentateuch, claim to be regarded as believers in other parts of the Old Testament, or at all events as recognising or acquiescing in the authority of the New Testament. As we observed last week in reference to the theories of Messrs. Darwin and Crauford [sic], they directly assume the utter falsity of what both Testaments teach us; whereas our blessed Lord and the Holy Spirit, speaking by Evangelists and Apostles, as directly assume the truth of those events and circumstances which such men deny. To deny the Pentateuch is to deny every portion of God's word in which the facts of the Pentateuch are recognised and reiterated as real and true. He who denies the Scriptures of the Jews denies the Scriptures of the Christians, and is an infidel to both." ("A Heterodox Bishop", The South Australian Advertiser, (23 December 1862), p. 3).