Abraham Parsons, Travels in Asia and Africa: including… a voyage from Bussora to Bombay and along the western coast of India, Longman Hurst, London, 1808, pp. 220-226.[2]
William Mavor, An Historical Account of the Most Celebrated Voyages, Travels and Discoveries, Samuel F. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1802, Vol. VIII, p. 309.[3]
The Bombay Calendar or Register for the Year 1818, Appendix p. 67.[5]
Arthur Bowes Smyth's Journal of a Voyage from Portsmouth to New South Wales, ed. Colin Choat, p. 2020[4]; and see Lloyd's List, 3 April 1789.
Macquarie Journal, Vol. 2, entry for 21 August 1793, State Library of New South Wales (available in the Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie Archive at https://www.mq.edu.au/macquarie-archive/).