Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Joseph Henderson (pilot)" in English language version.
One of the pilot boats of the 1860s, the William Bell, ventured too far out one day in 1864 and was captured and burned by the Confederate raiding steamer Tallahassee.
The late Joseph Henderson's extraordinary record of distress, accidents and lucky escapes.
Captain Joseph Henderson, a Sandy Hook pilot, was the next witness called.
It was learned that pilot boat No. 9 had spoken the Isère at ten o'clock last night. Pilot Henderson was taken aboard, but judged that the night was too dark for safe crossing of the bar.
Capt. Joseph Henderson, of pilot-boat Pet No. 9, brought the Isère over the bar. I was cruising around outside Sandy Hook looking out for some deep-draught ship, and about sundown of Tuesday night sited a craft that looked as though she might be either a man-of-war or a transport steamship of some kind.
On Tuesday Pilot Boat No. 9 was sighted and Pilot Joseph Henderson was taken on board.
The French transport vessel Isère, with the Bartholdi statue on board, arrived in this port yesterday. Pilot Joseph Henderson, of the pilot boat Pet, No. 9, ran across her about ten o'clock on Tuesday night, about ten miles outside the lightship.
The Teutonic and the City Of New York again racing. The pilot on the Teutonic was Joseph Henderson.
Captain Joseph Henderson, one of the oldest pilots in the service, who piloted the Baltimore to sea this afternoon, states that she is the first government vessel in seven years to take a Sandy Hook pilot.
I reside in Brooklyn, N. Y.; I am a Sandy Hook pilot, born at Charleston, South Carolina, Sept. 9th, 1826
George W. Blunt, No. 11 (list of pilots including Joseph Henderson). She is now at anchor at Coney Island, hemmed in by the ice.
He was one of the oldest and best known of the Sandy Hook crew.
Pilot Boat Pet, No. 9, of New York went ashore this morning on the east side of Conanicut Island, half way between Beaver Tail and Mackerel Cove.
The first man from the Atlantic was Pilot Henderson, who jumped from the skylight down on to the quarter deck.
An old pilot and a long resident of Brooklyn passes away.
This was pilot-boat "No. 24," or, the William Bell, one of the finest vessels I have ever seen. We hastily gathered a few things from her, nautical instruments, telescopes, charts, clocks, medicine chest, etc. And then, pouring turpentine ever the cabin floor, this fine boat was fired.
There were glances of admiration bestowed by the inland members of the committee upon Capt. Joe Henderson, one of the oldest pilots around New-York, when that mariner reeled off a lot of nautical terms in his testimony.
The late Joseph Henderson's extraordinary record of distress, accidents and lucky escapes.
An old pilot and a long resident of Brooklyn passes away.
He was one of the oldest and best known of the Sandy Hook crew.
This was pilot-boat "No. 24," or, the William Bell, one of the finest vessels I have ever seen. We hastily gathered a few things from her, nautical instruments, telescopes, charts, clocks, medicine chest, etc. And then, pouring turpentine ever the cabin floor, this fine boat was fired.
It was learned that pilot boat No. 9 had spoken the Isère at ten o'clock last night. Pilot Henderson was taken aboard, but judged that the night was too dark for safe crossing of the bar.
The first man from the Atlantic was Pilot Henderson, who jumped from the skylight down on to the quarter deck.
The Teutonic and the City Of New York again racing. The pilot on the Teutonic was Joseph Henderson.
There were glances of admiration bestowed by the inland members of the committee upon Capt. Joe Henderson, one of the oldest pilots around New-York, when that mariner reeled off a lot of nautical terms in his testimony.