due to "afección diabetical", La Libertad 24.02.28, available here, "foco bronconeumonico" or "infeccion bronconeumonica", La Voz 24.02.28, available here. In his last will he donated most of his belongings to educational and religious institutions, La Correspondencia Militar 28.02.28, available here. A plot he possessed in Galicia – unfortunately its size is unknown – was marked for a distant relative, Maria de Mella Betancourt, Francisco Feo Parrondo, Gran y mediana propiedad en Galicia en 1933 según el registro de la propiedad expropiable, [in:] Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense 14 (1995), pp. 127–28, see also ABC 20.02.80, available here
the initiative of former Mellista, Jaime Chicharro, at that time official of the Madrid ayuntamiento, ABC 25.03.28, available here
ABC 19.02.94, available here, compare also La Nación 21.04.27, available here
compare anonymous posts at madridiario service, available here, at lamarea service, available here, or at alertdigital service, available here. Among those opposing the re-naming, some defended de Mella as a progressist, claiming that in Spain he was among the first champions of feminine vote, compare Joaquím Vandeliós Ripoli, La memoria histérica contra Vázquez de Mella, [in:] Periodista Digital 29.06.15, available here. Indeed, de Mella voiced in favor of females being entitled to representation, though not in terms of universal suffrage, but by means of organic intermediary bodies they pertained to, compare El Correo Espanol 08.01.14, available here; another scholar claims bluntly that he rechazaba el sufragio político de la mujer, see Teresa María Ortega López, Conservadurismo, catolicismo y antifeminismo: la mujer en los discursos del autoritarismo y el fascismo (1914–1936), [in:] Ayer 71 (2008), p. 78
in 1915 de Mella, Claro Abánades and Manuel Abelló published El año germanófilo, dubbed "perfect manual of a germanophile"; in the campaign germanophilia kept competing with anglophobia, e.g. when presenting Germany as the nation persecuted by the greedy English; "England trying to snatch away German commerce and industry, as it has done with ours. Today Germany is a giant nation gallantly flying its colors; it keeps fighting the most formidable duel of the centuries. We do not intend to intervene in the struggle of two peoples, taking place in the centre of the world. Longing for peace, we want to establish sympathy between the Spaniards and the Germans; inspired by reasons put forward by our great man, Juan Vázquez de Mella, we want to set up an alliance with Germany to make sure that in the times to come unredeemed territories come back to the Spanish nation", full text available here
according to a newspaper obituary one of his ancestors fought Francis Drake in the 16th century and the other three fought at Trafalgar; the news should be taken with caution, as the same obituary contains clearly false information about his father, El Imparcial 28.02.28, available here
Estado Militar de España é Indias 1859, p. 120, available here
Guia de Forasteros en Madrid 1848, p. 270, available here
in 1848 he was nominated Presidente of Comisión especial de evaluación y reparto de la contribucion de inmuebles de la provincia de Sevilla, Eco del comercio 05.02.48, available here
in 1864 in Cangas he took part in "banquete progresista", La Iberia 08.09.64, available here, and grew to local president of the Progressists, La Iberia 17.12.65, available here
Unión Patriótica 01.03.28, available here; he spent the last years of his life "en pobreza franciscana, recluido en su hogar a causa de su desgracia física", Acedo Castilla 1998, p. 176. Another periodical mentioned modesty but did not note poverty, La Nación 21.04.27, available here
Peñaflor 1931, p. XXXV; according to an anecdote this has even generated problems, see La Época 27.02.28, available here. The account should be treated with caution, as Vázquez de Mella's father had most likely died before his son joined the college, compare Llergo Bay 2016, p. 102
Peñaflor 1931, p. XXXV. Some sources he frequented also Instituto de Oviedo, El año político 1928, p. 72, available here, El Siglo Futuro 27.02.28, available here
de Mella claimed he had never practiced as a lawyer, La Nación 21.04.27, available here
Andrés Martín 2000, p. 31, Melchor Ferrer, Historia del tradicionalismo español vol. 28/1, Sevilla 1959, pp. 171–72, La Época 27.02.28, available here
during the 1916 campaign Vázquez de Mella for the first time explicitly referred to a future union of extrema derecha, though applying the term to religious and social, but not political realm, Andrés Martín 2000, p. 117. In 1916 he co-organized Asamblea Magna in Covadonga, intended as a launchpad for local Asturian Maurist-Jaimist alliance, Carolyn P. Boyd, Covadonga y el regionalismo asturiano, [in:] Ayer 64 (2006), p. 166. New terms like "mauro-mellistas" entered into circulation, see El Motín 06.07.16, available here
El Día 17.01.18, available here, El Sol 08.02.18, available here; he was also rumored to run in Oviedo, La Época 16.01.18, available here
reported as running in Oviedo and Santander, La Época 25.05.19, available here, La Acción 01.06.19, available here
which could have been preparations to launch Union Patriotica, El Imparcial 18.03.24, available here
Heraldo de Madrid 14.06.24, available here. Some scholars suggest that de Mella's version of corporatism might have influenced Primo when shaping his dictarorial regime, Krisztián Szigetvári, Primo de Rivera diktatúrájának oktatáspolitikája és a rendszer ideológiájának türköződése a tankönyvekben [PhD thesis University of Pecs], Pecs 2010, p. 175
El Imparcial 06.01.25, available here. There are scholars who claim that "the ideas of Menéndez Pelayo, Vázquez de Mella, Donoso Cortés and Jaime Balmes are constantly found in the writings of UP essayists", see Alejandro Quiroga, Making Spaniards. National Catholicism and the nationalisation of the masses during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera [PhD thesis London School of Economics and Political Science], London 2004, p. 96
La Voz 22.08.24, available here; de Mella accepted with his fate with Christian resignation, Peñaflor 1931, p. LIV
completing the book took the last months of his life, he was reported as working on it in September 1927, La Época 21.09.27, available here
due to "afección diabetical", La Libertad 24.02.28, available here, "foco bronconeumonico" or "infeccion bronconeumonica", La Voz 24.02.28, available here. In his last will he donated most of his belongings to educational and religious institutions, La Correspondencia Militar 28.02.28, available here. A plot he possessed in Galicia – unfortunately its size is unknown – was marked for a distant relative, Maria de Mella Betancourt, Francisco Feo Parrondo, Gran y mediana propiedad en Galicia en 1933 según el registro de la propiedad expropiable, [in:] Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense 14 (1995), pp. 127–28, see also ABC 20.02.80, available here
dubbed "mago de la palabra", La Nación 21.04.27, available here
Llergo Bay 2016, p. 108. It appeared on the market in early 1928, few weeks before de Mella's death, El Siglo Futuro 03.02.28, available here
Revista Católica de Cuestiones Sociales 3/1928, available here, Mundo Gráfico 29.02.28, available here, La Esfera 03.03.28, available here, Ilustración Financiera 07.03.28, available here
"la sangre judaica es hoy rechazada por todas las naciones cristianas como un virus ponzoñoso", Gonzalo Álvarez Chillida, El antisemitismo en España: la imagen del judío, 1812-2002, Madrid 2002, ISBN9788495379443, p. 207; the quotation allegedly comes from El Correo Español of 15.09.92, though the actual copy does not contain this sentence, compare here
ABC 19.02.94, available here, compare also La Nación 21.04.27, available here
compare anonymous posts at madridiario service, available here, at lamarea service, available here, or at alertdigital service, available here. Among those opposing the re-naming, some defended de Mella as a progressist, claiming that in Spain he was among the first champions of feminine vote, compare Joaquím Vandeliós Ripoli, La memoria histérica contra Vázquez de Mella, [in:] Periodista Digital 29.06.15, available here. Indeed, de Mella voiced in favor of females being entitled to representation, though not in terms of universal suffrage, but by means of organic intermediary bodies they pertained to, compare El Correo Espanol 08.01.14, available here; another scholar claims bluntly that he rechazaba el sufragio político de la mujer, see Teresa María Ortega López, Conservadurismo, catolicismo y antifeminismo: la mujer en los discursos del autoritarismo y el fascismo (1914–1936), [in:] Ayer 71 (2008), p. 78
some identify also elements of theology, ideology and philosophy, Llergo Bay 2016, pp. 135–37, similar comments in Acedo Castilla 1998, p. 161, and ("cover the fields of History, Philosophy and Theology") Juan M. Santos, Andrés Hermosa Gacho, The social doctrine in Vázquez de Mella, [in:] Carlismo.es (2006), available here
for his 1893 ticket see the official Cortes service, available here
see the official Cortes service, available here. For discussion of the electoral campaign, see José María Remírez de Ganuza López, Las Elecciones Generales de 1898 y 1899 en Navarra, [in] Príncipe de Viana 49 (1988), pp. 359–99
see the official Cortes service, available here For detailed discussion of some electoral campaigns in Navarre see Sebastián Cerro Guerrero, Los resultados de las elecciones de diputados a Cortes de 1910 en Navarra, [in:] Príncipe de Viana 49 (1988), pp. 93–106, María Cruz Mina Apat, Elecciones y partidos en Navarra (1891–1923), [in:] José Luis Garcia Delgado (ed.), La España de la Restauración, Madrid 1985, ISBN8432305111, Jesús María Fuente Langas, Elecciones de 1916 en Navarra, [in:] Príncipe de Viana 51 (1990), pp. 947–957
see the heading Tras las huellas de la dictadura de Franco y la resistencia antifranquista: Rutas y localizaciones históricas por el Madrid de 1939 a 1975, [in:] El Madrid de Franco service, available here
Madrid estrena la plaza de Pedro Zerolo en el barrio de Chueca, [in:] El País 15.05.16, available here
Juan Vázquez de Mella, [in:] filosofía.net service, available here
compare anonymous posts at madridiario service, available here, at lamarea service, available here, or at alertdigital service, available here. Among those opposing the re-naming, some defended de Mella as a progressist, claiming that in Spain he was among the first champions of feminine vote, compare Joaquím Vandeliós Ripoli, La memoria histérica contra Vázquez de Mella, [in:] Periodista Digital 29.06.15, available here. Indeed, de Mella voiced in favor of females being entitled to representation, though not in terms of universal suffrage, but by means of organic intermediary bodies they pertained to, compare El Correo Espanol 08.01.14, available here; another scholar claims bluntly that he rechazaba el sufragio político de la mujer, see Teresa María Ortega López, Conservadurismo, catolicismo y antifeminismo: la mujer en los discursos del autoritarismo y el fascismo (1914–1936), [in:] Ayer 71 (2008), p. 78
compare anonymous posts at madridiario service, available here, at lamarea service, available here, or at alertdigital service, available here. Among those opposing the re-naming, some defended de Mella as a progressist, claiming that in Spain he was among the first champions of feminine vote, compare Joaquím Vandeliós Ripoli, La memoria histérica contra Vázquez de Mella, [in:] Periodista Digital 29.06.15, available here. Indeed, de Mella voiced in favor of females being entitled to representation, though not in terms of universal suffrage, but by means of organic intermediary bodies they pertained to, compare El Correo Espanol 08.01.14, available here; another scholar claims bluntly that he rechazaba el sufragio político de la mujer, see Teresa María Ortega López, Conservadurismo, catolicismo y antifeminismo: la mujer en los discursos del autoritarismo y el fascismo (1914–1936), [in:] Ayer 71 (2008), p. 78
Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Oviedo 31.01.77, available here; a contemporary scholar claims that he died when Juan Vázquez de Mella was 10 years old, which would set his death year at 1871, Fernanda Llergo Bay, Juan Vázquez de Mella y Fanjul: la renovación del tradicionalismo español [PhD Universidad de Navarra], Pamplona 2016, p. 101
compare anonymous posts at madridiario service, available here, at lamarea service, available here, or at alertdigital service, available here. Among those opposing the re-naming, some defended de Mella as a progressist, claiming that in Spain he was among the first champions of feminine vote, compare Joaquím Vandeliós Ripoli, La memoria histérica contra Vázquez de Mella, [in:] Periodista Digital 29.06.15, available here. Indeed, de Mella voiced in favor of females being entitled to representation, though not in terms of universal suffrage, but by means of organic intermediary bodies they pertained to, compare El Correo Espanol 08.01.14, available here; another scholar claims bluntly that he rechazaba el sufragio político de la mujer, see Teresa María Ortega López, Conservadurismo, catolicismo y antifeminismo: la mujer en los discursos del autoritarismo y el fascismo (1914–1936), [in:] Ayer 71 (2008), p. 78
Javier Balezterna Abarrategui, El Jaimismo de los Baleztena, [in:] Premín de Iruña blog, entry of 17.10.11, available here
the Conservative Party and its offshoots, mostly the Mauristas and the Ciervistas. Other potential alliances reported were those with the Integrists and Unión Monárquica Nacional, Andrés Martín 2000, pp. 168, 171–73
for the USA compare writings on Traditionalism by Frederick Wilhelmsen and Alexandra Wilhelmsen; for Argentina compare Ruben Calderon Bouchet, Tradición, Revolución y restauración em el pensamiento político de Don Juan Vázquez de Mella, Buenos Aires 1966; for Costa Rica and Jorge Volio Jiménez see Adelita B. Aguílar de Alfaro, Jorge Volio y Juan Vázquez Mella, [in:] Revista de filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 5/18 (1966), pp. 207–13; for Chile compare Lira 1942, see also de Mella's impact on Jaime Guzmán, José Díaz Nieva, Influencias de Juan Vázquez de Mella sobre Jaime Guzmán, [in:] Verbo, 467-468 (2008), pp. 661–70; some scholars point to de Mella as an author who influenced theorists of the Chile regime of general Pinochet, see Jacques Le Bourgeois, La propagande du régime militaire chilien de 1973 à 1989, [in:] Les cahiers de psychologie sociale 17 (2011)
for few Pensamiento issues preserved until today see Galiciana service, available here