Judah ha-Nasi (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Judah ha-Nasi" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
8,334th place
8,379th place
3,575th place
2,153rd place
5th place
5th place
3rd place
3rd place
9,276th place
9,572nd place
6th place
6th place
441st place
311th place







  • "Sanhedrin 32b:10". www.sefaria.org. ת"ר צדק צדק תרדף הלך אחר חכמים לישיבה אחר ר' אליעזר ללוד אחר רבן יוחנן בן זכאי לברור חיל אחר רבי יהושע לפקיעין אחר רבן גמליאל ליבנא אחר רבי עקיבא לבני ברק אחר רבי מתיא לרומי אחר רבי חנניא בן תרדיון לסיכני אחר ר' יוסי לציפורי אחר רבי יהודה בן בתירה לנציבין אחר רבי יהושע לגולה אחר רבי לבית שערים אחר חכמים ללשכת הגזית:
    The Sages taught: The verse states: "Justice, justice, shall you follow." This teaches that one should follow the Sages to the academy where they are found. For example, follow after Rabbi Eliezer to Lod, after Rabban Yoḥanan ben Zakkai to Beror Ḥayil, after Rabbi Yehoshua to Peki'in, after Rabban Gamliel to Yavne, after Rabbi Akiva to Bnei Brak, after Rabbi Matya to Rome [Romi], after Rabbi Ḥananya ben Teradyon to Sikhnei, after Rabbi Yosei to Tzippori, after Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira to Netzivin, after Rabbi Yehoshua to the exile [gola], i.e., Babylonia, after Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi to Beit She'arim, and after the Sages in the time of the Temple to the Chamber of Hewn Stone.
  • "Bava Metzia 85a:4". www.sefaria.org.
  • "Reshit Chokhmah". sefaria.org.



  • Giat, Paltiel (2003). A Word in Stone: Zippori in the Sages Literature (Milah be-even: Zippori basifrut chazal) (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Israel Nature & National Parks Authority, and The Department for Torah Culture in the Ministry of Education. p. 48. OCLC 58417078.
  • Giat, Paltiel (2003). A Word in Stone: Zippori in the Sages Literature (Milah be-even: Zippori basifrut chazal) (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Israel Nature & National Parks Authority, and The Department for Torah Culture in the Ministry of Education. p. 57. OCLC 58417078.