Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Julia (programming language)" in English language version.
We present a prototype Julia HLS tool, written in Julia, that transforms Julia code to VHDL.
Julia and the first observation of Ω-_b → Ξ+_c K- π-
Summary: Julia is ready to be used in physics HEP analysis.
bump julia version to 1.7.3
running language interpreters in WebAssembly. To further increase access to leading data science tools, we're looking for someone to port R or Julia to WebAssembly and to attempt to provide a level 3 language plugin for Iodide: automatic conversion of data basic types between R/Julia and Javascript, and the ability to share class instances between R/Julia and Javascript.
Given that 1.7 is not too far away (timed releases going forward)
the bootstrapping took about 80 seconds previously, but on this PR the time is reduced to about 60 seconds.
We envision a future workflow that allows you to do your data munging in Python, fit a quick model in R or JAGS, solve some differential equations in Julia, and then display your results with a live interactive d3+JavaScript visualization ... and all that within a single, portable, sharable, and hackable file.
A list of known issues for ARM is available.
New subspecs of Model1002 for estimating the DSGE with COVID-19 shocks
He has co-designed the programming language Scheme, which has greatly influenced the design of Julia
Airborne collision avoidance system
we have shown the performance to approach and even sometimes exceed that of CUDA C on a selection of applications from the Rodinia benchmark suite
Almost 300 packages rely directly or indirectly on Julia's GPU capabilities.
This year's JuliaCon was the biggest and best ever, with more than 300 presentations available for free on YouTube, more than 20,000 registrations, and more than 43,000 unique YouTube viewers during the conference, up from 162 presentations, 10,000 registrations, and 28,900 unique YouTube viewers during last year's conference.
General Purpose [..] Julia lets you write UIs, statically compile your code, or even deploy it on a webserver.
Julia works on all the Pi variants, we recommend using the Pi 3.
For me RCall loads without issue on Julia 1.11 on MacOS
string(greet, ", ", whom, ".\n")
example for preferred ways to concatenate strings. Julia has the println and print functions, but also a @printf macro (i.e., not in function form) to eliminate run-time overhead of formatting (unlike the same function in C).Almost all of the Python SDK's features are reimplemented in Julia — for those few that aren't, we are also providing a subsidiary package, PyBraket.jl, which allows you to translate Julia objects into their Python equivalents and call the Python SDK.
Julia's generated functions are closely related to the multistaged programming (MSP) paradigm popularized by Taha and Sheard, which generalizes the compile time/run time stages of program execution by allowing for multiple stages of delayed code execution.
In summary, even though Julia lacks a multi-threaded server solution currently out of box, we can easily take advantage of its process distribution features and a highly popular load balancing tech to get full CPU utilization for HTTP handling.
The flight test team was able to demonstrate … a vertical takeoff and landing vehicle with both electric and conventional fuel propulsion systems onboard. The [uncrewed aerial system] was able to plan and execute these missions autonomously using onboard hardware. It was the first time the Julia programming language was flown on the embedded hardware - algorithms were precompiled ahead of time.
Julia's generated functions are closely related to the multistaged programming (MSP) paradigm popularized by Taha and Sheard, which generalizes the compile time/run time stages of program execution by allowing for multiple stages of delayed code execution.
we have shown the performance to approach and even sometimes exceed that of CUDA C on a selection of applications from the Rodinia benchmark suite
He has co-designed the programming language Scheme, which has greatly influenced the design of Julia
Given that 1.7 is not too far away (timed releases going forward)
the bootstrapping took about 80 seconds previously, but on this PR the time is reduced to about 60 seconds.
This year's JuliaCon was the biggest and best ever, with more than 300 presentations available for free on YouTube, more than 20,000 registrations, and more than 43,000 unique YouTube viewers during the conference, up from 162 presentations, 10,000 registrations, and 28,900 unique YouTube viewers during last year's conference.
running language interpreters in WebAssembly. To further increase access to leading data science tools, we're looking for someone to port R or Julia to WebAssembly and to attempt to provide a level 3 language plugin for Iodide: automatic conversion of data basic types between R/Julia and Javascript, and the ability to share class instances between R/Julia and Javascript.
We envision a future workflow that allows you to do your data munging in Python, fit a quick model in R or JAGS, solve some differential equations in Julia, and then display your results with a live interactive d3+JavaScript visualization ... and all that within a single, portable, sharable, and hackable file.
General Purpose [..] Julia lets you write UIs, statically compile your code, or even deploy it on a webserver.
Airborne collision avoidance system
In summary, even though Julia lacks a multi-threaded server solution currently out of box, we can easily take advantage of its process distribution features and a highly popular load balancing tech to get full CPU utilization for HTTP handling.
you can install the Julia package OhMyREPL.jl [..] which lets you customize the REPL's appearance and behaviour
A list of known issues for ARM is available.
Almost 300 packages rely directly or indirectly on Julia's GPU capabilities.
Julia works on all the Pi variants, we recommend using the Pi 3.
Almost all of the Python SDK's features are reimplemented in Julia — for those few that aren't, we are also providing a subsidiary package, PyBraket.jl, which allows you to translate Julia objects into their Python equivalents and call the Python SDK.
Julia and the first observation of Ω-_b → Ξ+_c K- π-
Summary: Julia is ready to be used in physics HEP analysis.
bump julia version to 1.7.3
The flight test team was able to demonstrate … a vertical takeoff and landing vehicle with both electric and conventional fuel propulsion systems onboard. The [uncrewed aerial system] was able to plan and execute these missions autonomously using onboard hardware. It was the first time the Julia programming language was flown on the embedded hardware - algorithms were precompiled ahead of time.
New subspecs of Model1002 for estimating the DSGE with COVID-19 shocks
you can install the Julia package OhMyREPL.jl [..] which lets you customize the REPL's appearance and behaviour