Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
2,288th place
3,943rd place
low place
low place
3,379th place
7,709th place
1st place
1st place
7,736th place
low place
252nd place
1,041st place
1,252nd place
3,384th place
1,622nd place
1,398th place
5,601st place
5,312th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,595th place
4,459th place
5th place
5th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,630th place
9,701st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
160th place
1,853rd place
low place
low place



  • ABC 29.10.50, available here
  • ABC 26.08.49, available here
  • affección cardíáca, ABC 29.10.50, available here


  • spelling after the official Cortes service, compare here. Some Spanish (not Basque) publications prefer the "Urkijo" spelling, compare Argia service, available here Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine



  • La Unión Católica 01.04.95, available here
  • Heraldo de Madrid 26.02.02, available here
  • El Siglo Futuro 29.10.03, available here
  • El Liberal 19.10.03, available here; Sympathetic press referred to him as "un joven sumamente simpático y amable á más no poder, muy cortés y muy culto, de excelentes ideas, y de conversación y trato agradabilísimo", El Siglo Futuro 11.09.05, available here
  • El Siglo Futuro 04.10.03, available here
  • El Siglo Futuro 01.09.05, available here, also El Siglo Futuro 02.09.05, available here
  • La Epoca 11.09.05, available here
  • El Siglo Futuro 16.04.07, available here
  • La Epoca 22.04.07, available here, also La Correspondencia de España 24.04.07, available here; it seems that young Urquijo was not averse to watching sort of macho fun, as e.g. in 1904 he attended a fight between a tiger and a bull; things went wrong and in the ensuing stampede he was among the wounded, see La Epoca 25.07.04, available here; maybe the fact that he was among the first car owners in Biarritz also falls into this category, see La Epoca 24.08.99, available here
  • probably in Urquijo's car. There was an interesting incident allegedly noted during a 1908 trip. A car with Alfonso XIII travelling North to Biarritz and a car with Don Jaime travelling South to Behovia met at a closed railway crossing near Urugne in France. While Don Jaime's entourage, including Rafael de Olazábal and Julio de Urquijo, rose to pay their respect to member of the royal family, Don Jaime kept sitting and stared at Alfonso XIII, who did not know the Carlist prince. The train passed in-between, the crossing was opened and two vehicles parted each its own way. Referred after La Correspondencia Militar 30.07.08, available here
  • La Correspondencia Militar 30.07.08, available here
  • the year of his return to Spain is unclear. Some authors claim it was after the war, see Lizundia Askondo 2007, p. 108, Gregorio Monreal Zia, Una historia de la Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos, [in:] Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos 46/1 (2001), p. 16. Some suggest it was earlier, see Arana Martija 1993, p. 13, Julio Urkijo Ibarra entry at hiru.com service, available here. In 1916 he was listed as foreign correspondent from Saint-Jean-de-Luz, see Guia official de España 1916, available here, and likewise he was in 1919, see Guia official de España 1919, available here
  • La Libertad 25.07.20, available here
  • El Sol 04.07.25, available here
  • El Sol 26.11.29, available here
  • though he was widely reported as Carlist, see La Correspondencia Militar 30.06.31, available here
  • El Imparcial 19.05.32, available here



  • spelling after the official Cortes service, compare here. Some Spanish (not Basque) publications prefer the "Urkijo" spelling, compare Argia service, available here Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
  • see official Cortes service available here
  • see official Cortes service, available here
  • see the official Cortes service, available here. By some sources Urquijo is referred to as the speaker of the Basque-Carlist minority, Robles Munoz, La Santa Sede y II República, Madrid 2014, ISBN 8415965206, 9788415965206, p. 536. Other scholar claims it was rather Joaquín Beunza heading the group as a more acceptable candidate holding it together, Martin Blinkhorn, Carlism and Crisis in Spain 1931-1939, Cambridge 1975, ISBN 9780521207294, pp. 58, 319


  • compare the web page of Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo", available here



  • Idoia Estornés Zubizarreta, Julio Urquijo Ybarra entry [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia online, available here
  • Idoia Estornés Zubizarreta, Adolfo Gabriel Urquijo Ybarra entry [n:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia online, available here
  • Luis Villasante Cortabitarte, Resurrección María Azkue Aberasturi entry [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia online, available here


  • Julio de Urquijo e Ybarra entry at "Fundacion Popular de Estudios Vascos service, available here


  • see Geneallnet service available here
  • see Generallnet service available here; some sources claim there was also another brother Fernando (b. 1869), see Geneanet service available here



  • see Generallnet service available here; some sources claim there was also another brother Fernando (b. 1869), see Geneanet service available here


  • see Geni generalogical service available here
  • see Geni genealogical service available here


  • for the family see Heraldicablog service available here


  • the year of his return to Spain is unclear. Some authors claim it was after the war, see Lizundia Askondo 2007, p. 108, Gregorio Monreal Zia, Una historia de la Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos, [in:] Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos 46/1 (2001), p. 16. Some suggest it was earlier, see Arana Martija 1993, p. 13, Julio Urkijo Ibarra entry at hiru.com service, available here. In 1916 he was listed as foreign correspondent from Saint-Jean-de-Luz, see Guia official de España 1916, available here, and likewise he was in 1919, see Guia official de España 1919, available here
  • his library contained 6 first edits of Gero and 200 books published 1548-1799, see hiru service available here
  • Idoia Estornés Zubizarreta, Julio Urquijo Ybarra entry, also hiru service available here
  • La Crónica de Ibargüen Cachopín y el Canto de Lelo (1922), La Cruz de Sangre. El Cura Santa Cruz. Pequeña rectificación histórica (1928), Los Amigos del País, según cartas y otros documentos inéditos del siglo XVIII (1929), De algunos problemas de interés general que suscita el euskera (1929), and the most prominent one, Un juicio sujeto a revisión. Menéndez Pelayo y los Caballeritos de Azcoitia (1925), see hiru service available here
  • hiru service available here
  • hiru service available here



  • it contained 7,549 books, 1,427 manuscripts, 273 magazines and 1267 other documents, 10,822 items in total, Arana Martija 1993, p. 14, Robles Muñoz 1997, p. 44. Though huge, Urquijo's collection was only a quarter of this owned by another Carlist vascologo, Luis Lezama Leguizamón Sagarminaga, which consisted of some 45,000 items, Heraldo Alaves, 10.11.23, available here. Almost all of it has been lost in fire


  • see Blog de Cesar Estornes de historia y deportes, available here


  • this a section was created to accommodate Catalan, Gallego and Basque, see Real Academia service, available here


  • see Foundation Blessed Rafaela Ybarra site, available here



  • who taught philosophy, Arana Martija 1993, p. 4; see also Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra, Julio Cejador, [in:] RIEV 18 (1927), pp. 179-180, available here
  • Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra, Julien Vinson (1843-1926), [in:] RIEV 18 (1927), pp. 217-224, available here
  • compare Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra, Luis de Eleizalde, [in:] RIEV 14 (1923), pp. 695-697, available here




  • his library contained 6 first edits of Gero and 200 books published 1548-1799, see hiru service available here


  • Jose A. Arana Martija, Julio Urkixo, Vitoria-Gasteiz 1993, OCLC 644934818, p. 3