Stephan Müller, Vom Annolied zur Kaiserchronik: Zur Text- und Forschungsgeschichte einer verlorenen deutschen Reimchronik, Heidelberg: Carl Winter 1999.
"Müller rightly categorizes Massmann's Kaiserchronik as an 'editionsphilologischer Amoklauf', highlighting how he cited Opitz's Annolied as a Kaiserchronik fragment and used it as such in his own apparatus. Massmann insisted on the priority of the Heidelberg manuscript over that of Vorau, largely because he had access to it, which put him personally in a position of power. Editing the Daniel passages, which are missing in the Heidelberg manuscript, he spurned the Vorau text, adopting instead the wording of Opitz with the verses rearranged into the Vorau manuscript's sequence. Müller cheekily calls early scholars like Massmann, whose work has been superseded yet whose influence lingers, the 'Untoten', the 'living dead'." Graeme Dunphy, review of Müller (1999) in Modern Language Review, 98 (2003), pp. 755-757.[1]