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Maimonides. Mishneh Torah: Hilchot De'ot, chapter 6, ¶ 6, in, e.g., Mishneh Torah: Hilchot De'ot: The Laws of Personality Development: and Hilchot Talmud Torah: The Laws of Torah Study. Translated by Za'ev Abramson and Eliyahu Touger, volume 2, pages 124–27.
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Maimonides. Mishneh Torah: Hilchot De'ot, chapter 7, ¶ 7, in, e.g., Mishneh Torah: Hilchot De'ot: The Laws of Personality Development: and Hilchot Talmud Torah: The Laws of Torah Study. Translated by Za'ev Abramson and Eliyahu Touger, volume 2, pages 146–49.
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