[1]Putting the Turing into Manufacturing: Recent Developments in Algorithmic Automation. Ken Goldberg. Invited Keynote: Extended Abstract. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 2013.
[3]Eigentaste: A Constant Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm, Ken Goldberg, Theresa Roeder, Dhruv Gupta, and Chris Perkins, Information Retrieval Journal,4(2), pp. 133-151. July 2001.
[4]Opinion Space: A Scalable Tool for Browsing Online Comments. Siamak Faridani, Ephrat Bitton, Kimiko Ryokai, Ken Goldberg. ACM International Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI). Atlanta, GA. April 2010.
[2]Collaborative Online Teleoperation with Spatial Dynamic Voting and a HumanTele-Actor K. Goldberg, D. Song, Y. Khor, D. Pescovitz, A. Levandowski, J. Himmelstein, J. Shih, A. Ho, E. Paulos, J. Donath, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2002.
Remote Control - East Bay Express Web-piloted humans, telegardens, robots that paint -- it's all in a half-day's work for Cal engineering whiz and conceptual artist Ken Goldberg.