曹長青[in Chinese] (2009-12-14). 金溥聰是不是溥儀的堂弟? [King Pu-tsung is not the cousin of Henry Puyi?] (in Chinese). Taiwan: Liberty Times. Archived from the original on 2012-09-09.
曹長青[in Chinese] (2009-12-14). 金溥聰是不是溥儀的堂弟? [King Pu-tsung is not the cousin of Henry Puyi?] (in Chinese). Taiwan: Liberty Times. Archived from the original on 2012-09-09.
曹長青[in Chinese] (2009-12-14). 金溥聰是不是溥儀的堂弟? [King Pu-tsung is not the cousin of Henry Puyi?] (in Chinese). Taiwan: Liberty Times. Archived from the original on 2012-09-09.