Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kinmen" in English language version.
Kimoi Island (Kinmen) 金門島 Fukien ... ... 福建 ... 24.23N 118.20E
Kimoi I. (Kinmen)
Once again I hit hard on the Quemoy-Matsu issue, stating that Kennedy's willingness to surrender the islands to the Communists under threat of war was no different from submitting to blackmail. Shortly after the third debate I learned that one of Kennedy's top foreign policy advisers had telephoned Secretary of State Herter to say that Kennedy did not want to give the Communists the impression that America would not stand united against aggression and was therefore prepared to revise his position in order not to appear to oppose the administration on this issue. I saw this as Kennedy's way of trying to slide away from an unpopular position, and my immediate inclination was not to let him get away with it. But the Quemoy-Matsu situation was so tense, and the importance of America's role in discouraging Communist aggression was so great, that I decided not to press the point if Kennedy modified his stand. I pointed out how his changed attitude reflected his lack of experience, and then let the issue drop.
Kinmen is actually an archipelago of 15 islands. Three of them, however, are controlled by China, and only two of the Taiwan-controlled islands – Kinmen main island and Hsiao Kinmen (Little Kinmen) – are open to tourism.
2. {redacted}ChiComs are building a causeway to link Tateng Island, the Communist territory nearest Quemoy, to mainland. 3.{redacted}several thousand troops (recently arrived in Amoy from Shanghai) will be garrisoned on Tateng after the causeway is completed (in next two months).
After a lull of several weeks in artillery duels in the Quemoy area, Chinese Nationalist 155mm howitzers on 28 November fired 240 rounds at a causeway which the Chinese Communists are constructing between the mainland and Tateng Island, four to five miles north of Quemoy. Communist artillery responded with 680 rounds. No major damage was reported. {redacted} 2. The Chinese Communists began constructing the 6,300-foot causeway to Tateng apparently in early November. Such a link with the mainland would facilitate supply of Communist military positions on Tateng. Communist artillery now on the island is believed to include only 76mm guns, but 122mm or larger weapons could take any point on Quemoy under fire.(redacted)
2. The 11 Artillery Regiment is at Ningpo. The 12 and 13 Artillery Regiments moved to South Fukien, and are in Tateng (118-20, 24–35) and Hsiaoteng (11825, 2435) Islands and Amoy respectively.
Chiao I.
Located in the southeast waters of Xiamen's Xiang'an District, the Dadeng Isles are comprisedof three islands—Dadeng, Xiaodeng and Jiaoyu. Known as the Three-Hero Islands, they cover an area of 13.2 square kilometers, with a population of approximately 20,000 people.
小嶝 Siao Deng
In early July, Chiang was seriously considering withdrawing from Quemoy and other tiny coastal possessions off Southeast China to bolster Taiwan's defense and free up 33,000 combat troops for the Korean theater. Even though Cooke fully supported the Nationalist government's probable participation in the Korean War, he vehemently opposed the evacuation from Quemoy. Cooke was convinced that it would not only look weak to the Chinese Communists but damage morale in Taiwan and the entire free world.
Long belonging to the administration of Tungan Prefecture of Fujian Province, Kinmen had begun its county administration since 1915.{...}In 1937, the County Government was moved to Dadeng for battle and it was later returned to Kinmen after the victory in 1935.{...}The minerals within Kinmen County include china clay and granite.
北碇島 母嶼 白巖 草嶼 東割 烽遂角 后嶼 官澳礁 西園嶼 建功嶼 黑巖 大巖嶼 烏礁 桂子礁 獅嶼 牛心礁 小擔 檳榔嶼 烈嶼 復興嶼 猛虎嶼 兔嶼 石山 大膽島 二擔島 三擔島 四擔島 五擔 大坵島 小坵島
極 北 大嶝田墘 東 經 118 19 6 北 緯 24 34 16{...}區 域 別 面 積 ( 平方公里 ) 佔 總 面 積 百 分 比(%){...} 外 圍 島 嶼 大 嶝 22.7500 16.92 小 嶝 3.3100 1.82 角 嶼 2.4400 1.34{...}說 眀:1.本縣縣境總面積153.0110平方公里(不含中共管轄之大小嶝、角嶼)。{...}說 眀:外圍島嶼土地面積不含中共管轄之大嶝、小嶝及角嶼。
外圍 島嶼 面積單位: (平方公里) 大嶝 22.7500 小嶝 3.3100 角嶼 2.4400{...}附記 本縣縣境總面積153.011平方公里。 (不含中共管轄之大小嶝、角嶼)
The 12 islands and islets comprising Kinmen mainland, Lieyu (small Kinmen), Da Dan, Er Dan, Dong Ding, Beiding, Cao islet, Hou islet, Jiangong islet, Fuxing islet, Menghu islet, Shi islet occupy an area of 150 square meters in total.
二.限制水域範圍:大金門地區低潮線向外延伸東方海面四千至六千公尺,南方海面八千至一萬公尺,北碇以東海面四千公 尺,大、二膽南海面二千公尺一線以內海域 三、禁止水域範圍:大金門地區低潮線向外延伸東方海面四千公尺,南方海面八千公尺,馬山北方一千五百公尺,北碇以東 海面四千公尺,大、二膽北、西、南海面二千公尺,小金門西海面、檳榔嶼、三腳礁、牛心礁、赤角礁一線以內海域
05-19 金門縣島嶼及面積 Area of Islands in Kinmen County 區域別 Locality 面積(平方公里) Area (km2){...}外圍島嶼 Offshore Islet{...}大嶝 Dadeng 22.7500 小嶝 Xiaodeng 3.3100 角嶝 Jiaodeng 2.4400{...}資料來源:金門縣政府。 Source: Kinmen County Government. 附 註: 1.大嶝、小嶝、角嶝目前由中國大陸管轄,烏坵鄉由金門縣政府代管。 2.總面積151.656平方公里(不含大小嶝角嶝,含烏坵1.2平方公里),部分無人島未列入。 Remark: 1.Dadeng, Xiaodeng, Jiaodeng are governed by Mainland China, Wuqiu belongs to other county but mandated by Kinmen County Government. 2.Total Area of Kinmen is 151.656 km2(Exclude Dadeng, Xiaodeng, Jiaodeng, Include Wuqiu 1.2 km2), some unmanned islands and reefs are not listed.
外圍島嶼 小計 Subtotal 29.8550 Offshore 大嶝 Dadeng 22.7500 Islet 小嶝 Xiaodeng 3.3100 角嶝 Jiaodeng 2.4400 附 註: 1.大嶝、小嶝、角嶝目前由中國大陸管轄,烏坵鄉由金門縣政府代管
Jinmen / Jinmen / Kinmen County
(二)海岛分布 境内海岛主要分布在三大海湾内。兴化湾南部(包括埭头半岛)有海岛32个,其中居民岛3个。南日群岛(包括十八列岛)有海岛65个,其中居民岛5个;平海湾有海岛9个,全为无居民岛;湄洲湾有海岛14个,其中居民岛1个;湄洲湾周边(包括湄洲岛、虎狮列岛)有海岛13个,其中居民岛1个;鸬鹚周边(包括鸬鹚岛)有海岛4个,全为无居民岛;乌丘屿周边(包括乌丘屿)有海岛4个,其中居民岛1个。
民国3年7月,金门自思明县析出置县,隶属厦门道。{...}民国22年(1933){...}12月13日,四省分别更名为闽海、延建、兴泉、龙汀。兴泉省辖莆田、仙游、晋江、南安、安溪、惠安、同安、金门、永春、德化、大田、思明十二县 ,治设晋江(今泉州市区)。{...}民国23年7月,全省设立十个行政督察区,永春、德化、惠安属第四行政督察区(专署驻仙游),晋江、南安、安溪、金门属第五行政督察区(专署驻同安)。民国24年(1935)10月,全省改为7个行政督察区、l市。惠安、晋江、南安、金门、安溪、永春、德化属第四区(专署驻同安)。民国26年4月,南安县治徙溪美。10月,日本侵略军攻陷金门岛及烈屿,金门县政府迁到大嶝乡。{...}民国27年(1938){...}8月,金门县政务由南安县兼摄。{...}民国32年(1943)9月,全省调整为8个行政督察区、2个市。第四区专署仍驻永春,下辖永春、安溪、金门、南安、晋江、惠安等九县。德化改属第六区(专署驻龙岩)。 {...}1949年8月24日,福建省人民政府(省会福州)成立。8、9月间,南安、永春、惠安、晋江、安溪相继解放。9月, 全省划为八个行政督察区。9月9日,第五行政督察专员公署成立,辖晋江、南安、同安、惠安、安溪、永春、仙游、莆田、金门(待统一)等九县。公署设晋江县城(今泉州市区)。10月9日,金门县大嶝岛、小嶝岛及角屿解放。11月24日,德化解放,归入第七行政督察区(专署驻永安县)。 1950年{...}10月17日,政务院批准德化县划归晋江区专员公署管辖;1951年1月正式接管。至此, 晋江区辖有晋江、南安、同安、安溪、永春、德化、莆田、仙游、惠安、金门(待统一)十县。{...}1955年3月12日,奉省人民委员会令,晋江区专员公署改称晋江专员公署,4月1日正式实行。同年5月,省人民政府宣布成立金门县政府。{...}1970年{...}6月18日,福建省革命委员会决定实行。于是,全区辖有泉州市及晋江、惠安、南安、同安、安溪、永春、德化、金门(待统一)八县。同年12月25日,划金门县大嶝公社归同安县管辖。{...}1992年3月6日,国务院批准,晋江撤县设市,领原晋江县行政区域,由泉州代管。1992年5月1日。晋江市人民政府成立,至此,泉州市计辖l区、2市、6县:鲤城区、石狮市、晋江市、惠安县、南安县、安溪县、永春县、德化县、金门县,(待统一)。
统计用区划代码 名称{...}350527000000 金门县{...
外圍 島嶼 面積單位: (平方公里) 大嶝 22.7500 小嶝 3.3100 角嶼 2.4400{...}附記 本縣縣境總面積153.011平方公里。 (不含中共管轄之大小嶝、角嶼)
Long belonging to the administration of Tungan Prefecture of Fujian Province, Kinmen had begun its county administration since 1915.{...}In 1937, the County Government was moved to Dadeng for battle and it was later returned to Kinmen after the victory in 1935.{...}The minerals within Kinmen County include china clay and granite.
翔安区设立于2003年10月19日。陆地总面积420平方公里,海域面积134平方公里,下辖一街(大嶝街道)、四镇(新店、马巷、内厝和新圩),{...}大嶝岛 小嶝岛 角屿 白蛤礁
In early July, Chiang was seriously considering withdrawing from Quemoy and other tiny coastal possessions off Southeast China to bolster Taiwan's defense and free up 33,000 combat troops for the Korean theater. Even though Cooke fully supported the Nationalist government's probable participation in the Korean War, he vehemently opposed the evacuation from Quemoy. Cooke was convinced that it would not only look weak to the Chinese Communists but damage morale in Taiwan and the entire free world.
北碇島 母嶼 白巖 草嶼 東割 烽遂角 后嶼 官澳礁 西園嶼 建功嶼 黑巖 大巖嶼 烏礁 桂子礁 獅嶼 牛心礁 小擔 檳榔嶼 烈嶼 復興嶼 猛虎嶼 兔嶼 石山 大膽島 二擔島 三擔島 四擔島 五擔 大坵島 小坵島
二.限制水域範圍:大金門地區低潮線向外延伸東方海面四千至六千公尺,南方海面八千至一萬公尺,北碇以東海面四千公 尺,大、二膽南海面二千公尺一線以內海域 三、禁止水域範圍:大金門地區低潮線向外延伸東方海面四千公尺,南方海面八千公尺,馬山北方一千五百公尺,北碇以東 海面四千公尺,大、二膽北、西、南海面二千公尺,小金門西海面、檳榔嶼、三腳礁、牛心礁、赤角礁一線以內海域
The 12 islands and islets comprising Kinmen mainland, Lieyu (small Kinmen), Da Dan, Er Dan, Dong Ding, Beiding, Cao islet, Hou islet, Jiangong islet, Fuxing islet, Menghu islet, Shi islet occupy an area of 150 square meters in total.
極 北 大嶝田墘 東 經 118 19 6 北 緯 24 34 16{...}區 域 別 面 積 ( 平方公里 ) 佔 總 面 積 百 分 比(%){...} 外 圍 島 嶼 大 嶝 22.7500 16.92 小 嶝 3.3100 1.82 角 嶼 2.4400 1.34{...}說 眀:1.本縣縣境總面積153.0110平方公里(不含中共管轄之大小嶝、角嶼)。{...}說 眀:外圍島嶼土地面積不含中共管轄之大嶝、小嶝及角嶼。
Located in the southeast waters of Xiamen's Xiang'an District, the Dadeng Isles are comprisedof three islands—Dadeng, Xiaodeng and Jiaoyu. Known as the Three-Hero Islands, they cover an area of 13.2 square kilometers, with a population of approximately 20,000 people.
(二)海岛分布 境内海岛主要分布在三大海湾内。兴化湾南部(包括埭头半岛)有海岛32个,其中居民岛3个。南日群岛(包括十八列岛)有海岛65个,其中居民岛5个;平海湾有海岛9个,全为无居民岛;湄洲湾有海岛14个,其中居民岛1个;湄洲湾周边(包括湄洲岛、虎狮列岛)有海岛13个,其中居民岛1个;鸬鹚周边(包括鸬鹚岛)有海岛4个,全为无居民岛;乌丘屿周边(包括乌丘屿)有海岛4个,其中居民岛1个。
翔安区设立于2003年10月19日。陆地总面积420平方公里,海域面积134平方公里,下辖一街(大嶝街道)、四镇(新店、马巷、内厝和新圩),{...}大嶝岛 小嶝岛 角屿 白蛤礁