Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Konitsa" in English language version.
1 January 1948 the Greek army relieved Konitsa, the important garrison close to the Albanian border that had long been under siege. The DSE forces fell back into Albania, regrouped and launched another offensive against Konitsa on 25 January, but were decisively beaten.
Sancaks Yanya (Kazas: Yanya, Aydonat (Paramythia), Filat (Philiates), Meçova (Metsovo), Leskovik (war kurzzeitig Sancak) und Koniçe (Konitsa)
The ethnic and cultural mosaic of the wider area was so composite, it was impossible to mark down the border in a way that would yield a clear distinction between Albanians and Greeks... The difficulty, as is well known, was not created only by the fact that populations were mixed even within the same areas and villages (i.e. Konitsa and Leskovik)
Οι μουσουλμάνοι Κονιτσιώτες εκτός από λιγοστές αλβανικές οικογένειες, είχαν ως μητρική τους γλώσσα την ελληνική όπως και οι Τουρκογιαννιώτες. Στην πόλη της Κόνιτσας μόνο οι Οθωμανοί υπάλληλοι μιλούσαν την αλβανική γλώσσα.
τα τέλη του περασμένου αιώνα η Κόνιτσα είχε 7.000 περίπου κατοίκους (4.000 χριστιανοί και 3.000 μουσουλμάνοι).
the Sarandaporos is controlled by the attractive town of Konitsa (some 800 houses, of which 200 were Albanian or Turkish in 1924),