Additional arguments are put forward by Fndklian in Koriwn 1930, summarized and responded to in Koriun 1963, introduction. Koriwn (1930). Fntglean [Fndklian], Garnik (ed.). Varkʻ Mashtʻotsʻi Վարք Մաշթոցի [sic] [Life of Mashtots] (in Armenian). Jerusalem: Tparan Srbotsʻ Hakobeantsʻ. OCLC26069687. Koriun (1963). Zhitie Mashtotsa Житие Маштоца [Life of Mashtots] (in Russian). Translation, introduction and commentary by Sh. V. Smbatian and K. A. Melik-Ogandzhanian. Erevan: Aĭpetrat. OCLC8951428.
Koriun 1963, introduction. Koriun (1963). Zhitie Mashtotsa Житие Маштоца [Life of Mashtots] (in Russian). Translation, introduction and commentary by Sh. V. Smbatian and K. A. Melik-Ogandzhanian. Erevan: Aĭpetrat. OCLC8951428.