Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "L" in English language version.
roman numerals.
The litre, and the symbol lower-case l, were adopted by the CIPM in 1879 (PV, 1879, 41). The alternative symbol, capital L, was adopted by the 16th CGPM (1979, Resolution 6; CR, 101 and Metrologia, 1980, 16, 56-57) in order to avoid the risk of confusion between the letter l (el) and the numeral 1 (one).
Par tradition ancestrale, les horlogers n'utilisent pas le millimètre mais la ligne pour désigner le diamètre d'encageage d'un mouvement.[By ancestral tradition, watchmakers do not use the millimeter but the line to designate the casing diameter of a movement]
Par tradition ancestrale, les horlogers n'utilisent pas le millimètre mais la ligne pour désigner le diamètre d'encageage d'un mouvement.[By ancestral tradition, watchmakers do not use the millimeter but the line to designate the casing diameter of a movement]