Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Lake Sevan" in English language version.
...the lake which the Russians call Goktcha (a corruption of the Tartar name, which means blue lake), and the natives Sevan, the Lychnitis of the ancients...
Sevan is adornment of nature of the Republic of Armenia (the ancient name is Geghama sea).
Севанга, озеро, Эриванской г-іи, Новобаязетскаго у.; см. Гокчинское.
Гёг-чайское озеро (синяя вода), по-армянски Севанга, есть самое значительное въ цѣломъ Закавказскомъ краѣ...
Ararat rises from the table-land of Armenia between the Black and Caspian Seas in the country comprised within a triangle between the lakes of Sevanga, Urumia, and Van.
Ghokhcha, Gouktcha, or Sevanga, lake (in Armenia)
Урартийцам обязано своим происхождением слово "Севан" (от "Сиунна" – страна озерная).
Вне ряда Севан – озеро в Армении, имя которого восходит к урартскому гумна – " озеро".
The Dispute about Gokcha and its Seizure by Russia, 1825. —The treaty of Gulistan had been so vaguely worded that three districts lying between Erivan and the Gokcha Lake, the most important of which was Gokcha, remained in dispute.
...Lake Sevan (A. Sevan; T. Gök-çay; 'Blue water')...
Rather different is the character of Lake Sevan , known in Turkish as Gökche , or ' the Blue Lake '...
but also on the Armenians of the Persian metropolis , Isfahan , the tümen of Nakhichevan , the Gökche Sec ( Lake - Sevan ...
It had gone farther , and had occupied a strip of land on the north - west of the Gokcha Lake belonging , by its own admission to Persia ...
For some distance we bore to the right, with but little descent, until presently as much of the big Gokcha lake as the mists did not enshroud came into sight.
The water level of Lake Sevan, the jewel of Armenia, was dropping precipitously...
Armenians consider Lake Sevan a jewel of their country.
Gelakunis ţba / გელაქუნის ტბა (Sewan) h2 AM
...Lake Sevan, later Turkish Gökçe...
The beach at Lake Sevan, 40 miles east the capital, would normally be packed this time of the year.
Урартийцам обязано своим происхождением слово "Севан" (от "Сиунна" – страна озерная).