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Wynhoff, Irma (1998). "The recent distribution of the European Maculinea species". Journal of Insect Conservation. 2: 15–27. doi:10.1023/A:1009636605309. S2CID27089897.
Spitzer, L.; J. Benes; J. Dandova; V. Jaskova; M. Konvicka (2009). "The Large Blue butterfly, Phengaris [Maculinea] arion, as a conservation umbrella on a landscape scale: The case of the Czech Carpathians". Ecological Indicators. 9 (6): 1056–1063. Bibcode:2009EcInd...9.1056S. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2008.12.006.
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Als, Thomas; Roger Vila; Nikolai P. Kandul; David R. Nash; Shen-Horn Yen; Yu-Feng Hsu; André A. Mignault; Jacobus J. Boomsma; Naomi E. Pierce (2004). "The evolution of alternative parasitic life histories in large blue butterflies". Nature. 432 (7015): 386–390. Bibcode:2004Natur.432..386A. doi:10.1038/nature03020. PMID15549104. S2CID4357717.
Thomas, J.A.; D.J. Simcox; J.C. Wardlaw; G.W. Elmes; M.E. Hochberg; R.T. Clarke (1997). "Effects of latitude, altitude and climate on the habitat and conservation of the endangered butterfly Maculinea arion and its Myrmica ant hosts". Journal of Insect Conservation. 2: 39–46. doi:10.1023/A:1009640706218. S2CID23953195.
DeVries, P.J.; R.B. Cocroft; J.A. Thomas (1993). "Comparison of acoustical signals in Maculinea butterfly caterpillars and their obligate host Myrmica ants". Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 49 (3): 229–238. Bibcode:1993BJLS...49..229D. doi:10.1006/bijl.1993.1033.
Settele, Josef; Francesca Barbero; Martin Musche; Jeremy A. Thomas; Karsten Schönrogge (2011). "Singing the blues: from experimental biology to conservation application". J. Exp. Biol. 214 (9): 1407–1410. doi:10.1242/jeb.035329. PMID21490248.
Muggleton, John; Brian Benham (1975). "Isolation and the decline of the large blue butterfly (Maculinea arion) in Great Britain". Biological Conservation. 7 (2): 119–128. Bibcode:1975BCons...7..119M. doi:10.1016/0006-3207(75)90051-8.
Spitzer, L.; J. Benes; J. Dandova; V. Jaskova; M. Konvicka (2009). "The Large Blue butterfly, Phengaris [Maculinea] arion, as a conservation umbrella on a landscape scale: The case of the Czech Carpathians". Ecological Indicators. 9 (6): 1056–1063. Bibcode:2009EcInd...9.1056S. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2008.12.006.
Als, Thomas; Roger Vila; Nikolai P. Kandul; David R. Nash; Shen-Horn Yen; Yu-Feng Hsu; André A. Mignault; Jacobus J. Boomsma; Naomi E. Pierce (2004). "The evolution of alternative parasitic life histories in large blue butterflies". Nature. 432 (7015): 386–390. Bibcode:2004Natur.432..386A. doi:10.1038/nature03020. PMID15549104. S2CID4357717.
DeVries, P.J.; R.B. Cocroft; J.A. Thomas (1993). "Comparison of acoustical signals in Maculinea butterfly caterpillars and their obligate host Myrmica ants". Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 49 (3): 229–238. Bibcode:1993BJLS...49..229D. doi:10.1006/bijl.1993.1033.
Als, Thomas; Roger Vila; Nikolai P. Kandul; David R. Nash; Shen-Horn Yen; Yu-Feng Hsu; André A. Mignault; Jacobus J. Boomsma; Naomi E. Pierce (2004). "The evolution of alternative parasitic life histories in large blue butterflies". Nature. 432 (7015): 386–390. Bibcode:2004Natur.432..386A. doi:10.1038/nature03020. PMID15549104. S2CID4357717.
Settele, Josef; Francesca Barbero; Martin Musche; Jeremy A. Thomas; Karsten Schönrogge (2011). "Singing the blues: from experimental biology to conservation application". J. Exp. Biol. 214 (9): 1407–1410. doi:10.1242/jeb.035329. PMID21490248.
Wynhoff, Irma (1998). "The recent distribution of the European Maculinea species". Journal of Insect Conservation. 2: 15–27. doi:10.1023/A:1009636605309. S2CID27089897.
Als, Thomas; Roger Vila; Nikolai P. Kandul; David R. Nash; Shen-Horn Yen; Yu-Feng Hsu; André A. Mignault; Jacobus J. Boomsma; Naomi E. Pierce (2004). "The evolution of alternative parasitic life histories in large blue butterflies". Nature. 432 (7015): 386–390. Bibcode:2004Natur.432..386A. doi:10.1038/nature03020. PMID15549104. S2CID4357717.
Thomas, J.A.; D.J. Simcox; J.C. Wardlaw; G.W. Elmes; M.E. Hochberg; R.T. Clarke (1997). "Effects of latitude, altitude and climate on the habitat and conservation of the endangered butterfly Maculinea arion and its Myrmica ant hosts". Journal of Insect Conservation. 2: 39–46. doi:10.1023/A:1009640706218. S2CID23953195.