Peppers, Todd C.; Zorn, Christopher (14 June 2007). "Law Clerk Influence on Supreme Court Decision Making". doi:10.2139/ssrn.925705. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
Holvast, Nina (March 2016). The Power Of The Judicial Assistant/Law Clerk: Looking Behind The Scenes At Courts In The United States, England And Wales, And The Netherlands. International Journal for Court Administration. 7(2) (“The first Judicial Assistants were appointed to the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal in 1997.”) ISSN 2156-7964. DOI.
Holvast, Nina (March 2016). The Power Of The Judicial Assistant/Law Clerk: Looking Behind The Scenes At Courts In The United States, England And Wales, And The Netherlands. International Journal for Court Administration. 7(2) (“The first Judicial Assistants were appointed to the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal in 1997.”) ISSN 2156-7964. DOI.
McIntyre, Colin, Joseph Farmer, Michael Deacon (February 16, 2015) Supreme Courts: the US and UK compared. The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland Online (“In the UK Supreme Court, judicial assistants perform a number of functions similar to those undertaken by US Supreme Court law clerks: drafting memos on applications for permission to appeal, reading parties’ submissions, attending hearings and discussing the cases with the justices.”)
Rozporządzenie Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 22 marca 2011 r. w sprawie stanowisk i wymaganych kwalifikacji urzędników sądowych i innych pracowników oraz szczegółowych zasad wynagradzania referendarzy sądowych, starszych referendarzy sądowych, asystentów sędziów, starszych asystentów sędziów, urzędników oraz innych pracowników wojewódzkich sądów administracyjnych (Dz.U. 2011 nr 72 poz. 384) (in Polish).
Careers, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom web site (2016) (“Judicial Assistants to the Justices. Annual fixed term appointments: September to July”.)