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Act I of 1973 on Criminal Procedure. (The Statutes of the Hungarian People's Republic). Ministry of Justice of the Hungarian People's Republic. 1976. Google Books
Act I of 1974 on Marriage, Family, and Guardianship. (The Statutes of the Hungarian People's Republic). Ministry of Justice of the Hungarian People's Republic. 1978. Google Books
Act II of 1976 on the Protection of Human Environment. (The Statutes of the Hungarian People's Republic). Ministry of Justice of the Hungarian People's Republic. 1978. Google Books
Act I of 1977 on Notifications and Proposals of Public Interest, and on Complaints. (The Statutes of the Hungarian People's Republic). Ministry of Justice of the Hungarian People's Republic. 1979. Google Books
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Newberry. "The Electricity Sector". Kessides (ed). Hungary: A Regulatory and Structural Review of Selected Infrastructures. World Bank Technical Paper No 474. The World Bank. 2000. Pages 15 to 36 at page 18.